With these breathing exercises you boost your mood

by time news

Good food is good mood. You hear that sometimes, but you have also heard it good breath good mood? Most likely not, so we’re changing that now. Research has shown that a simple breathing exercise can improve your mood. A grumpy mother or a friend with a short fuse? Breath in, breath out.

Breathing exercises. They are even better than we thought. At least if we are to believe the researchers of the UK’s National Health Service. The miraculous techniques are said to work even better than the beloved mindfulness.


Experts at Stanford University figured it out. They investigated the relationship between people’s anxiety level and breathing exercises. And as it turns out, breathing exercises have a very positive effect on the anxiety level.

Some of the participants in the study were asked to do breathing exercises for a month. The other part was assigned to practice mindfulness for a month. After a month, the participants had to answer a number of questions to determine the impact of the exercises on their anxiety level. The study showed that the anxiety level of the breathing group had significantly decreased. Much lower than the group that did mindfulness.


So just 5 minutes a day breathing in and out calmly can make all the difference. Has your fuse been a bit shorter the last few days? Do you get out of bed on the wrong side every morning? Then remember well: a breath exercise a day, keeps your mood okay! You can see how to do this in the video below.

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With these breathing exercises you boost your mood

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