Bennett harshly attacked Channel 14: “Horror, mind engineers”

by time news

Continues to remove the gloves: Naftali Bennett has been suing in recent months, since he left political life several people who badmouthed him while he served as prime minister. Among other things, one of the defendants is Rabbi Mizrahi who spread a story as if Bennett’s mother was not Jewish. Bennett did not keep quiet about the rabbi and sued him for libel for a million shekels. After we interviewed the rabbi on Channel 14 and it was written on the screen that it was a silence lawsuit, Bennett reacted harshly.

Bennett’s post:

Bennett opens the post as follows: “Horror. 20 minutes ago my mother sent me a video of this interview today on Channel 14 under the disgusting title ‘Guzzling’, meaning that former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (I) is allegedly suing in order to silence criticism.”

The things Rabbi Mizrahi said about Bennett

“But what is the lawsuit about?” Bennett writes and explains: “Not for criticism, but for the fact that Rabbi Mizrahi spread widely as if my mother Myrna Leah Bennett, née Lefkowitz, is a gentile. Here is part of what my wonderful and strong mother wrote after watching this interview right now: ‘I am broken. My parents in heaven are crying right now ‘. And this channel dares to call the lawsuit ‘guzzling’. Shameful.”

Silence lawsuit? Channel 14 | Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90

Bennett breaks down the list of harsh statements made towards him: “For the distribution to hundreds of thousands of people that my mother and I are supposedly Christians. Me and Gilat are supposedly divorced or I am beating her. That I supposedly pocketed 50 million NIS. There is a terrible poison machine that tirelessly spreads lies and poison and this machine endangers us all. Now there are those who are raising money to protect these people in the name of ‘freedom of expression’.”

“Channel 14 engineers consciousness as if this is what it’s all about”

Then Bennett attacks the channel that held the interview: “Channel 14 engineers consciousness as if this is what it is about. I will not stop. I am moving forward with all my strength and all my resources to sue the manufacturers of the poison and its agents. I will donate the million shekels I receive in this lawsuit as usual to the IDF soldiers and their families.”

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