Prato, the advanced training of the Textile Museum for 40 young innovators in fashion and textiles is underway

by time news

April 17, 2021 – 11:04 am

From 20 April, international experts and prestigious speakers discuss sustainable textiles for the development of circular economy companies in the Mediterranean

of Corriere Fiorentino editorial staff

On April 20 the path of the Capacity Building Program, an advanced training dedicated to new sustainable and circular projects in fashion and textiles, coordinated by the Textile Museum of Prato and developed within the project activities “STAND Up!”, financed byEuropean Union within the framework of the ENI CBC Med Program.

A program led by Nicola Cerantola, one of the most sought-after experts in the circular economy at an international level who has long been dedicated to creating value networks, promoting entrepreneurial ecosystems and exploring new “circular” paths. Industrial engineer, founder and director of Ecologing, a social enterprise that facilitates the corporate transition towards new sustainable (and economic) models, Cerantola is in fact speaker, consultant and professor of Sustainable Design, Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy in several important universities.

IThe Capacity Building Program presents itself as an important training opportunity for 40 young innovators, startuppers and entrepreneurs selected through a call opened last March with the aim of identifying sustainable and circular ideas and innovative solutions to which to provide support and tools for the transition from the design phase to a validated business model. We are extremely satisfied with the response to the call and the enthusiasm shown by the young innovators who presented their projects – declares Francesco Marini, President of the Prato Textile Museum Foundation – to the point that we would have liked to involve even more than 40 in the program. candidates foreseen within the European project STAND Up !. This is a further step for the museum to consolidate attention to the theme of sustainability in textiles and fashion that we are happy to promote.

The “STAND Up! Action on Sustainable Textiles for the Development and Networking of Circular Economy Enterprises in the Mediterranean ” aims to promote replicable and inclusive circular economy initiatives in the region, developing an ecosystem of business support, innovation and technology transfer that will lead to the creation of sustainable jobs for young people and women.

April 17, 2021 | 11:04

© Time.News


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