Maneuver, Pd rejects the League’s proposal: “Yes to the reduction of bills but without touching the resources of citizenship income”

by time news
“We have asked for the strengthening of the allocation of two billion for reduce your expensive-bills and I believe we will get it. It can be done without affecting the resources of the Basic income. Wrong to put in contrast recipients and those in poverty with families and businesses affected by the increases “. To claim it the economic manager dem, Antonio Misiani, on the sidelines of a press conference of the Democratic Party in the Senate on amendments at the maneuver, replying to the League, after yet another provocation against income.
It was the League’s delegation, composed of the two group leaders of the Chamber and Senate Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo and the Minister for Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti, who suggested to Draghi “to intervene on the increases by recovering resources from the reform of citizenship income”, which the government does not intend to do so since the measure has just been refinanced. “We have presented proposals to improve it, as well as on the promotion of the job offer for the recipients, which we consider compatible and useful “. And again: “We agree with the proposals of the Saraceno commission, but it is clear that some have an impact from a financial point of view”, the economic manager dem cut short, compared to the fact that those same proposals were in fact ignored. The DEMs will limit themselves to asking instead to “modulate income according to a better take-over in the territorial dimension and to strengthen the role of associations and the third sector”.

From the Democratic Party, at the same time, they ask “certain times” on the maneuver: “Let’s start from a positive judgment, given that it has important contents, from the reform of social safety nets to public investments and incentives for private ones. The same applies to the tax reform, starting with the intervention on the personal income tax. Now we need a coordination table between the group leaders in the majority, to guarantee the timing by finding priorities, as soon as the discussions with Draghi end “, concluded the group leader at Palazzo Madama Simona Malpezzi and the group leader in the Budget Committee, Daniele Manca.

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Maneuver, all parties are asking for interventions to cut bills. Only the League wants Draghi to use income funds to do this


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