“Hot in the ear” section: Idan Reichel unsuccessfully imitates Shlomo Artzi

by time news

“Temporary thrill” is the name of Eden Ben Zaken’s new song, a melancholic and heartbreaking ballad of a depressive type. Ben Zaken returns to the genre that brought me her initial success since she began her first steps in her solo career (with “Mengina”) – a Mediterranean genre.

In my opinion, this style suits her very much, much more than the trendy pop-techno and regret songs that Berta has released in the past, such as “Moevat” and “WTF”, and this song highlights her vocal strengths, honesty and emotion and brings out the best in her, when alongside a touching and moving performance there is also a text Personal and excellent and a melody well tailored to her dimensions and qualities. More the better.

If you ever wondered how it sounds when Idan Raichel tries to imitate Shlomo Artzi? You don’t have to go too far, there is “You have no worries”, his new song penned by Natan Goshen and Avi Ohion which is anything but “Idan Raichli”. I think an artist should challenge himself and get out of his comfort zone, but when it comes out less original and makes him lose his DNA – it plays against him.

Make no mistake, the song is good, the text and melody are standard and pleasant to the ear, as a kind of song to listen to while driving on the road, and the chorus is quite catchy, but this song does not have too much of Idan Reichel, and a singer who is only a tool to perform a song and does not insert himself into it – what is he singing for? Unnecessary.

After their duet “Haci Shelli” received ten million views on YouTube, Avi Aborumi and Mor Shevii return to collaborate on a second duet – “We are not there anymore”.

In fact, there is not that much difference between the two songs, both in the division of roles, in the rhythm (ballad), in the structure, in the content and in the kitsch. It’s not bad, as long as it works and you don’t need to change a successful formula, but I expected something a little more different or original than repeating the same lady with a change of dress. Good performance but pretty boring song. disappointment.

“If anyone knew” by Sapir Saban is an excellent example of a singer who challenges herself in an interesting and not embarrassing way: her curling voice fits exactly with the rhythmic musical production and the pop melody, but nevertheless she maintains her trademark and does not try to sound like someone she is not (in the past she also She experimented with something that didn’t suit her, but quickly learned to get back to her own way) and the result is a catchy, excellent song that, above all, suits her very well. You can listen to it over and over on loop and enjoy. What more is needed?

Uzi Fox is making a great new way with writing, composing and singing in foreign language, just as he did in the sixties in rhythm bands like “Uzi and the Styles” and “The Fats and the Thins”, and this time, from a more mature and no less fine point of view.

In his new song “Story Of My Life” Fox proves that his excellent voice still sounds good and natural in the dialect, the personal texts fit well into the rough rock blues and the fact that he invests a lot in the production and the guitar solos (something you don’t hear enough these days) only whets the appetite for more songs. By the way, this is a gem from a new album on the way. I can not wait anymore!

I really like the way Moore Yurman does, both as a creator and as a performer, because instead of going for trends, she chooses to define a unique style for herself and go with it, even if it is sometimes a battle with windmills, she perseveres and this is the secret of her success and her songs in my eyes.

After “Everything is upside down here”, “Big dreams” and “Love me” Yurman launches the song “That’s how it comes to me” in her collaboration with the creator and singer Daniel Inbar and musically produced by Alon Peled.

The song is an invested, high-quality, fun and intriguing RNB that is easy to fall in love with, both because of the text, also because of the addictive melody and because of the excellent performance that presents an interesting creator that you don’t hear every day, and that is her greatness. Looking forward to the next songs from her creator.

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