25,000 foreign workers “on the front line” have been naturalized, announces Schiappa

by time news

Garbage collectors, cashiers, health professionals or even child minders who worked during the crisis are particularly concerned, recalled the Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Community Life.

25,000 foreign workers in France “in the first line“During the Covid-19 epidemic have been naturalized for two years, announced Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Community Life, this Saturday on France Info.

In September 2020, the Ministry of the Interior had instructed the prefects to “accelerate» et «facilitate» this access to French nationality for people who had «actively contributed» in the fight against Covid-19: health professionals, security or maintenance officers, childcare, cashiers, home help, garbage collectors… The instruction sent to the prefects allows them in particular to use the notion of “services rendered importantto reduce the minimum required period of residence in France to two years instead of five. For this, a form signed by the hierarchical superiors must attest to a “active engagement» during the period of health emergency.

Marlène Schiappa, who was then Minister Delegate for Citizenship, had refuted “mass regularizations” and had specified that the workers concerned by this accelerated naturalization were already registered in a course to become French. The professionals concerned are garbage collectors, cashiers, nurses, doctors but also security guards, childminders, nannies who looked after the children of caregivers or even hospital cleaning staff. Professions that appeared to be essential during the various confinements.

In 2020, 61,371 people had acquired French nationality, 20% less than the previous year.

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