The attack in Jerusalem: after the discussion in the cabinet – the house of the terrorist was sealed watch

by time news

The house of the terrorist Alkam Khairi who carried out the shooting attack on Saturday evening in Neve Ya’akov, in an incident where seven civilians were murdered in cold blood, was sealed off. Dozens of police officers, MGB fighters and IDF forces operated in the wee hours of the night (Sunday) in the A-Tor area in East Jerusalem to seal off the terrorist’s house, in accordance with the decision of the political echelon.

The terrorist attack in the capital: this is how it happened, minute by minute
A resident of East Jerusalem without a security background: this is the terrorist who carried out the attack in the capital

As I recall, the Minister of National Security requested Itamar Ben Gabir To seal off the terrorist’s house already on the night of the attack after police, MGB and IDF forces arrived at the scene and arrested his parents, family members and people from his surroundings for investigation to examine the extent of their involvement in the murderous attack. By the way, already at the same time the house was seized by police and security forces who evicted its occupants and made arrests.

The Minister of National Security was indignant last night when he arrived to visit the wounded in the hospital that until that hour he had not received a response from the Legal Adviser to the Government, and this according to him after he left to her the decisions of the High Court in similar cases. “I don’t understand why so many hours have passed and I don’t get answers,” said Ben Gabir.

As mentioned during the night, the decision of the political level was made, and this after the head of the Shin Bet, the head of the National Security Council, the Minister of Defense and of course the Prime Minister approved the move to seal the terrorist’s house and subsequently to the approvals required by law. We emphasize that during the sealing of the house, no disturbances or riots were recorded and the procedure ended quietly in the early morning.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir commented on the sealing of the terrorist’s house and delivered a sharp message: “It is good that my proposal to seal it was accepted and soon we will seal the entire house and the speed of the response that was not there in the previous government is important. At the same time, we will have to implement a variety of other response measures to make it clear to terrorism that there is a new government in Jerusalem and that Israel She goes on the attack and not just defends herself.”

As I recall, the terrorist was killed by the Jerusalem district policemen who chased him, tried to contact him and had a shootout with him, this after he took the lives of seven citizens who were leaving the synagogue. Tonight the forces arrived, cleared the contents of the house and sealed all the openings, windows, entrances and exits to prevent the possibility of entry into the house. The police and the Shin Bet are working to request a demolition order for the terrorist’s house, as is customary in cases where a murderous terrorist attack is carried out.

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