Prix ​​d’Amérique: “We will come back stronger”, positive supporters of Idao de Tillard, disqualified

by time news

As in all finals, history only remembers the winner. However, when the said sport is subject to betting, the absence of the favorites cannot be put under the carpet. Best horse of his generation and favorite of the Prix d’Amérique this Sunday, Idao de Tillard quickly galloped, being thus disqualified, while Horsy Dream, the rising value, gave up in the final phase on the Paris-Vincennes racecourse (12th century). Cold, their entourages gave explanations.

“We will come back stronger next time. This sentence pronounced by one of Idao Tillard’s supporters, despite the haggard looks around the box of the beaten favorite of the Prix d’Amérique, is validated by Thierry Duvaldestin, trainer of the defeated 5-year-old champion.

Strongly the Prix de France

“He leaned to his left and galloped, analyzes the Ornais professional, obviously disappointed but far from being defeated. I won this race with Ready Cash, entrusted to me by Philippe Allaire, and the horse was 6 years old. As in all sports, you have to know how to be patient with the athletes, and Idao de Tillard will be seen again in the Prix de France (12 February), a test during which he will no doubt be equipped with additional artifices so that this does not happen again. »

Properly started, the latter suddenly galloped, which had only happened to him twice in 25 outings, when approaching the first bend. It was then the end of his chances and the many racegoers who had placed their trust in him.

Another horse in sight, and driven by the reigning Golden Sulky, namely Éric Raffin, Horsy Dream is also one of those absent from the finish of this 102nd Prix d’Amérique. After the fault of one of his main rivals, he could not fight for the first places in the final phase after being blocked by Don Fanucci Zet, finally sixth. “After the effort in the descent, he may have lacked composure. I think there was another option, because he could have slipped in…” considers coach Pierre Belloche. Even if explanations will (or have) undoubtedly taken place, it is only a postponement as the driver and his partner of the day do not have to prove their quality. And it’s probably going back to better jump.

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