the France team surrenders against Denmark – Liberation

by time news

Opposed in the final to Denmark in the Tele2 Arena in Stockholm, the tricolor tried everything before giving up their arms in the last quarter of an hour. They lose 29-34 and will therefore not win the seventh world crown.

That you had to be strong to overcome this Danish selection with overflowing talent, Sunday evening in Stockholm. The French handball team was, recovering from an XXL start from the Scandinavians, coming back into contact, struggling with its means in the evening (a left-back post damaged by injuries, goalkeepers less decisive than their opponents)… But that was not enough against the Danish quality and the depth of his bench. Double title holders, the players of Nikolaj Jakobsen realize the pass of three. The French, they remain “blocked” at six world titles, after this first defeat in twenty days of competition during this Polish-Swedish World Cup.

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The Blues take the entry tide. Barely seven minutes after kick-off, they are already at four lengths (2-6). Hairy with a headband, Mikkel Hansen, who has been torturing his opponents for a decade, reigns like a cushy father in the middle of the field, distributing the balls to his troubadours from the rear base: Mathias Gidsel, 23, left-handed with fire support; Simon Pytlick, 22, clinical right-handed finisher. But the tricolors do not sink. They limit the damage, and nibble, little by little. In their own way: services to pivot Ludovic Fabregas, flights from their best player since the start of the competition, Nedim Remili (5 goals in the first period), and penalties converted by Kentin Mahé and Melvyn Richardson. Rémi Desbonnets, who entered the goal in place of Vincent Gérard, had the good idea to take out a few saves. At the break, Guillaume Gille’s men are only one goal behind their opponents (15-16).

But the start of the second period is Danish. Entering in place of Hansen, Lauge Schmidt sets the tempo and allows his team to break away again (18-21). The Blues have a ball to equalise, but miss it. Schmidt, the Veszprem player, continues his destruction operation (ten goals in the second half!). And the Danes end up winning, despite a final tricolor rush in the last moments. Final score: 34-29 for the Nordics. Appointment is made for the 2024 Olympic Games, which the two teams are already guaranteed to compete in. Defending champions, the tricolors will be hopeful not to be hit by the cascade of injuries they have experienced this winter. Because the reservoir and the talent are there, they have proven it.

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