Towards a re-election of Fabien Roussel after a large victory in an internal vote

by time news

The renewal of Fabien Roussel at the head of the Communist Party (PCF) is on the right track after the broad victory, on Sunday, of the pro-Roussel orientation text which will form the basis of the next party congress in April.

The text of its supporters obtained nearly 82% of the votes of the 29,898 voters, out of 42,237 up-to-date activists registered, against 18% for the text “Emergency of communism” presented by the internal opponents of the outgoing leader, in place since 2018.

A “clear, massive, strong choice”

Fabien Roussel welcomed, in a video posted on Twitter, of a “clear, massive, strong choice, determined on an orientation which is part of the continuation of the work undertaken together for four years”. “The task is immense, let’s be humble, open, unifying”, he continued before addressing the French people who “are turning away from political parties”: “I express the wish that our party will tomorrow become their common home for build the long-awaited change”.

The Communists were called to vote from Friday to Sunday to designate the strategic text which will form the basis of the next party congress in Marseilles in April. The time has not yet come to the choice of the management team, but the result makes more than ever outgoing national secretary Fabien Roussel the big favorite to succeed him at the head of the PCF.

A national congress in April

The PCF candidate for the 2022 presidential election (2.3%) judges the left-wing Nupes coalition limited to conquering power and intends to continue on its “identity” line, wishing to bring the party out of the shadow of La France insoumise. He also continues to want to promote “the value of work”, a discourse that arouses much controversy on the left.

The text of his supporters is entitled “Communist ambition for new happy days”. The alternative text, “Emergency of communism, together for popular victories”, criticizes a personalization of the party and wishes the deepening of the Nupes.

Figures who were divided into two texts at the last congress have this time joined forces to weigh in on the management: the former national secretary Pierre Laurent and the mayor of Ivry-sur-Seine Philippe Bouissou thus rub shoulders with Elsa Faucillon and Stéphane Few, deputies in favor of a rapprochement with LFI. Between now and the congress, a phase of amendment of the winning text will take place, in February and March in the sections, then the communist federations of the country. The national congress of the party will take place in Marseilles from April 7 to 9.

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