Corona in Israel: The coefficient of infection continues to decline

by time news

(Photo: Yossi Aloni / Flash 90)

Despite the global fear of an outbreak of the new Omicron variant, the infection rate in Israel continues to decline and now stands at 1.03 – according to data from the Ministry of Health published this morning (Tuesday).

According to the data, in the last day 636 new corona patients were diagnosed, which constitutes 0.63 percent of the 108,000 tests performed. There are currently 5,570 active patients in the country, of whom 158 are hospitalized in hospitals across the country.

In the severely ill segment, the total count returned to a downward trend after several consecutive days of rising data. There are now 119 patients in critical condition, up from 127 yesterday. 69 of the critically ill patients are respiratory, and 78 of them are in critical condition.

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Last night, the new restrictions came into force, intended to curb the spread of the Omicron variant in the country, which has already been detected in at least two patients in recent days. The line of new restrictions has been approved by the Corona Cabinet and by government ministers for the foreseeable future, at least until the degree of threat from the new strain is clarified.

A new restriction that has come into force all over the country is an extension of The green character: From now on it will be mandatory to present the permit at the entrance to all events with more than 50 participants (instead of 100 participants, as was the case so far).

Home isolation – who is committed, despite the vaccine?

Israelis are vaccinated or recovering They will perform a PCR test as soon as they land in Israel and then go into three days of home isolation. Subject to a second PCR test on the third day with a negative result, they may be released from isolation. Those who do not perform the additional test on the third day will be required to complete full isolation.

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz (From Knesset Channel)

Israelis are not vaccinated They will perform a PCR test as soon as they land in Israel, and then go into home isolation for a week. Subject to a second PCR test on the seventh day with a negative result, they will be able to be released from isolation. Those who do not perform the additional test on the seventh day will be required to complete full isolation.

All Israelis returning from red countries (most of Africa) They will perform a PCR test upon landing, then be transferred to an isolation lodge until an answer is received. After receiving a negative answer, they will be transferred for further home isolation and on the seventh day they will perform another PCR test. Subject to a negative answer in the second test, will be released from isolation.

All foreigners will be barred from entering Israel From all countries for two weeks. Exceptions will be approved by the Exceptions Committee.

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How will you get home from Ben Gurion Airport?

As part of the regulations, which impose an obligation to isolate all returnees from abroad, new arrangements will be implemented with regard to the use of public transportation operating from Ben Gurion Airport. Under the new regulations:

– Only passengers will be allowed to get off the trains and buses arriving at Ben Gurion Airport.

– Those landing at Ben Gurion Airport will not be able to board the train and buses.

– Exit from the field will be possible by private car, collection by relatives or by special taxis.

– Subject to the approval of the amendment of the regulations, in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Justice, it will also be possible to travel from Ben Gurion Airport via service taxis, which will operate at up to 50% for a joint trip to one residential address.

Following the regulations, starting tonight, a 50% discount will be given in long-term parking lots at Ben Gurion Airport for a period to be determined.

– The flights from Eilat to Ben Gurion Airport will land at Terminal 3, and from there will continue via a free shuttle to Savidor Merkaz station in Tel Aviv (subject to presentation of a flight ticket from Eilat).

Returns on international flights will not be able to board a domestic flight and will be required to operate in accordance with the insulation obligation regulations.

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