Metaverse and artificial intelligence, how much will the world depend on these technologies?

by time news

Given the changes that the world economy is undergoing with digital transformation, artificial intelligence and the metaverse will lead the advances of the future, considered David Garza, rector of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, who represented Mexico at the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos, Switzerland.

In an interview with EFE, the rector and executive president of the educational institution spoke about the participation they had in the tables held within the framework of the world economic meeting.

“It was a great opportunity to have this vision of the geopolitical, economic, and technological issues that are to come,” he said. He indicated that the WEF has a lot to do with the future and what are the challenges to face, as well as the opportunities.

“Consistently in the different talks, panels, conversations, there were very relevant issues, one of which has to do with the issue that the economy is going to have a great transformation, there is going to be a new economy“, said.

Garza specified that this great change will be guided by digital transformation, artificial intelligence and the metaverse.

It has already arrived here (artificial intelligence) and it has arrived to advance in an exponential wayhe. Like other technologies such as the metaverse; that is the reason why we participate and be able to get involved from an early way ”, he assured.

The rector added that another transformation that will also impact the economy is the search for neutral emissions in the different nations in the world, as well as in each economic activity.

“There is going to be a great transformation of manufacturing and not only of manufacturing but of other different industries and services,” he said. The executive president of Tec de Monterrey shared that the Davos Forum also addressed the great gap that will exist in talent for these issues.

So we have to do something to fill that gap, a lot of jobs are going to disappear., but many other jobs associated with these transformations will be emerging. So for us as a University to be attentive to what is coming and how we are prepared, how we should prepare ourselves ”, she explained.

In one of the tables where Garza participated, the topic of the metaverse as the new technology that is going to have a major impact on the industrial sector and in different areas of society, as well as the educational sector.

This year, among the small group of 17 universities invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos, were the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and the National University of Singapore, among others.

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