Sanremo, TV Users Association: “Zelensky’s presence risks encouraging racial hatred”

by time news

Some attendance at San Remo Festivalif confirmed, would risk introducing some facts and some circumstances “suitable for significantly altering the mission” indicated by the Festival Regulations and, among these, the president of Ukraine is at the forefront Vladimir Zelensky. This is the assumption underlying the formal notice presented today to Rai by the Association of Radio and Television Services Users with which the Association warned Rai top management, the Supervisory Commission and the Stable Commission for the Rai Code of Ethics to initiate urgent proceedings aimed at to verify the legal and regulatory conditions and evaluate the correctness of the choices made by the Artistic Direction of Sanremo with reference to the choice of guests.

In the document, which has read, we read that “the risk of making the war spectacular is in re ipsa contrary to Sanremo and the code of ethics, as Sanremo is not the place in which to bring together (and due to the contradictory it would be necessary if you want to make information) two Presidents of two States at war, it is equally evident the risk of encouraging racial hatred instead“.

Specifically, explains the association of RadioTv Users, “viewing the Regulation of Sanremo as updated for the year 2023, relevance can only be attributed to the following conditions characterizing the mission of the festival, namely ‘protection of minors, advertising, direct and indirect, and more generally relating to commercial communications and product placement, prohibition of discrimination, incitement to violence and hatred, protection of minorities, personal integrity, right to privacy of personal data, pluralism, intellectual property, copyright and related rights, as well as the provisions of the Rai Code of Ethics“.

Considerations which, as explained in the warning from the Association of Radio and Television Services Users that previewed, “acquire the character of urgency and danger where the risk of facing the serious war issue in the context of Sanremo has been feared with modalities (interview with the Ukrainian President) which instead risk distorting Sanremo and spreading messages of war propaganda instead to be eliminated at the root“. “If in Sanremo you want, as you should, to send a message of peace that you do it with the only thing capable of reaching everyone without conditioning but in an impartial and peaceful way: music and therefore with the commitment of singers to write and sing a song that is a hymn to peace and respect for others”, punctuates the association that protects TV users.

To date, it is the opinion of the body for the protection of television users, “the concrete risk is that Sanremo will be given the possibility of exploiting the war in order to gain an audience, but with the risk of projecting an image of Italy abroad distance from the dutiful hymns to peace that should instead characterize its position”. In addition to the Ukrainian president, the presence of Fedez at the Ariston is also in the crosshairs of the warning to Rai from the Association. Among other things, analyzing a series of articles released in recent days that have involved the rapper on the story of Emanuela Orlandi, “we acknowledge some statements by rapper Fedezwhich in relation to a very delicate issue has used words and tones which – if reproduced in Sanremo – would clearly violate the aforementioned ethical and regulatory principles”, explains the Association. For these reasons, “and consequently ascertain whether in the Mission the purposes of the 2023 regulation and the Rai Code of Ethics have been respected, all also with specific reference to the figures of the Guests Fedez and Zelensky for whom their exclusion is now being requested among the possible participants in the singing Kermesse “, concludes the formal notice .

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