What is the postoperative period of Lasik surgery like? – Saludalavista Blog

by time news

The lasik surgery It is a surgical procedure used to eliminate myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism and presbyopia, by permanently modifying the shape of the cornea with a laser that takes only 3 to 5 minutes per eye, being ambulatory, almost painless and having a rapid visual recovery.

When leaving this surgery, the patient must rest for 2 hours -during this period he must have acrylic protectors and not use drops-. After resting, artificial tears should be applied every hour (for a week) and antibiotic drops every 3 hours, in addition to sleeping with protectors and wearing sunglasses to protect yourself from UV rays.

One of the important restrictions in Lasik operated patients is driving, for this reason it is often necessary that another person can take them home after the procedure. They should also not rub their eyes, engage in non-contact and contact sports, and soak in hot baths.

Post-operative visits are essential because they allow the surgeon to assess the healing of the eye and determine if there is a need for emergency post-treatment or follow-up procedures.

The estimated recovery time from Lasik surgery varies significantly among patients, however most can enjoy an improvement in vision within one to two days after the surgical procedure.

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