The paradox of the reliability of Artificial Intelligence | by Cassie Kozyrkov | Science and Data

by time news

Too good to fail? The surprising way a high-performing system can hurt you.

  • Careless Daniel: is a constant disappointment to you, performing well on assigned tasks 70% of the time and producing utter embarrassment the rest of the time. Watching Daniel make 10 tries is more than enough to elicit an “oh my gosh” response from you.
  • Carlos Reliable is another story. You have seen Carlos in action more than a hundred times and he has always impressed you.
Source: Image

Overconfidence is a problem. When a system is obviously flawed, it plans around its errors. You don’t trust perfect execution.

When you increase the scale, you will come across the long tail.

Image: Source.

Don’t rule out the *possibility* of observing bugs when their *chance* is lowered.

The “unsinkable” Titanic is an example of mental rounding. According to NBC, “the phrase was originally ‘virtually unsinkable’ and came from an obscure engineering magazine, but after a while it didn’t matter.” Also, someone claims to have heard the ship’s captain, Edward John Smith, say “God himself could not sink this ship.” Image: Source.

Just because you haven’t noticed an error yet doesn’t mean your system is perfect. Plan for failures and create safety nets!

Relying on perfection is dangerous. Think of perfection as a bonus, but never trust it.

Errors *will occur.*

  • What safety nets are in place to protect people from the consequences of those mistakes?
  • If the whole system fails – safety nets and all – what is the plan to fix things?

Better is not the same as perfect.

As long as the tasks are complex or the inputs are varied, errors will occur.

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