What would you ask? Bill Gates’ responses on a Reddit forum

by time news

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and now co-chairman of the Gates FoundationRetired since 2020 from the board of directors of the company he helped found in 1975, he organized the Reddit forum for the first time this year to get closer to those interested in his biography and technology in general. There, the participants asked very varied questions, from what his relationship with Steve Jobs was like, to knowing if he is still programming and what his preferred code language is.

What is a forum on Reddit?

Reddit is a social network that has taken center stage in the United States in recent years. Your goal is that a user raises a topic of discussion or conversation and anyone with a profile on this social network You can participate by adding texts, images, videos and links. In addition, users can be in favor of or against the publication appear as featured on the platform.

Bill Gates confessed that his passion for programming has not faded

In one of the most curious questions, Reddit users asked him about his passion for technology and programming, a passion that in part led him to create the empire that is Microsoft today. The philanthropist replied that he continues to program, although to a lesser extent than he did before, and that the last languages ​​he has used are C, C# and Basic. He also expressed his concern about new trends in the field of programming.

“I’m surprised how newer languages ​​haven’t made more progress in simplifying programming. It would be great if teenagers were more exposed to programming in schools, ”she replied.

See the full Bill Gates forum on Reddit here.

On his relationship with Steve Jobs

Something that has been rumored a lot is about the relationship that these two technological geniuses had, and if it was really affected by the patent plagiarism allegations that have been exposed in movies and documentaries about Steve Jobs. Faced with the question, Gates dismissed any kind of controversy.

“He and I respected each other. Our biggest work together was on the Mac, where Microsoft had more people working on the project than Apple. Over the years I saw Steve regularly, including one afternoon I spent with him a few months before his tragic death.”

Has the founder of Microsoft ever used a Macintosh?

One of the questions had to do with whether Bill Gates once used a Macintosh, one of Apple’s flagship products, which revolutionized the technology industry and which, as mentioned above, Bill Gates helped design: “Microsoft makes a lot of Mac software. I mainly use Windows machines, but from time to time I have used some of Apple’s products.”

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