several groups of deputies call for a debate on the role of France

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20h31 : Let’s take stock of the news with a little delay:

• Demonstrations against the government’s plan brought together 1.27 million people across France according to the police, 2.8 million according to the CGT. These two sources converge on one point: mobilization is on the rise. The intersyndicale announces two new days of strikes and demonstrations, Tuesday 7 and Saturday 11 February.

“The pension reform raises questions and doubts. We hear them”reacts Elisabeth Bornewhich asserts that parliamentary debate will allow “to enrich” the reform project. The text is still studied in committee at the Assembly.

• France will supply 12 additional Caesar guns to Ukraine, in addition to the 18 already sent to kyiv.

Two people have been taken into police custody in the investigation into the disappearance of Sihem Belouahmia, an 18-year-old young woman who has not given any sign of life since last Wednesday, in Gard

19h14 : Since they agreed to deliver tanks to Ukraine, Western countries have confirmed the delivery of 120 to 140 tanks, says Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kouleba. It’s not just about German-designed Leopard 2s, but also British Challenger 2s and American Abrams. He presents these deliveries, which will take months, as a “first wave”with kyiv having previously said it needed several hundred armored vehicles.

19h13 : The European Commission and Ukraine will hold “intergovernmental consultation” Thursday, a first, and a summit between the two parties will be organized Friday in kyiv, announced the Ukrainian Prime Minister, Denys Chmygal. He sees it “a strong signal sent to both our partners and our enemies”et “two extremely important events concerning the European integration of Ukraine”.

18h06 : It’s 6:05 p.m., it’s time to take stock of the news:

• 500,000 people demonstrated in Paris, according to the CGT, but the authorities’ figure should be significantly lower than this estimate.

• The CGT has reiterated its desire to continue its mobilization in the refineries on February 6, 7 and 8, which could involve “a stop” from some sites.

• Several leaders of the different political groups in the Assembly have called for the organization of a debate in Parliament on the war in Ukraine.

• A man was arrested and placed in police custody at the beginning of the afternoon in the case of the disappearance of Sihem, aged 18, in Grand-Combe (Gard).

16h11 : “The sanctions are working. The Russian recession is expected to reach 5.5% in 2023.”

The Prime Minister praises in front of the deputies the French efforts to sanction Russia, the“Isolating more every day on the international scene” and to assist Ukraine humanitarianally and diplomatically.

16h07 : “We are and will remain with you until victory”, assures Elisabeth Borne to the President of the Ukrainian Parliament. The Prime Minister details France’s military response to the Russian invasion and promises to study the “additional requests” of kyiv, who must neither cause escalation” nor weigh too heavily on French ballistic capabilities.

15h58 : All the presidents of the parliamentary groups (PCF, LFI, LR, Renaissance, RN, Horizons, PS, Démocrate, EELV, LIOT) asked the Prime Minister a question about the war in Ukraine and France’s support for kyiv.

15h49 : In the spring of 2022, France had already provided 18 French-made Caesar guns to help Ukrainian forces on the ground.

15h45 : Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces, announces that France will supply 12 additional Caesar guns to Ukraine.

15h18 : Rouslan Stefantchouk, President of the Ukrainian Parliament, asks France to “give the planes” fighter to Ukraine to fight the Russian invasion. “You have given Ukrainian children the opportunity to continue their studies”he says about the young refugees who have been welcomed since February 2022.

15h14 : Rouslan Stefantchouk, President of the Ukrainian Parliament, calls from the tribune of the National Assembly the French deputies “to recognize Russia as a terrorist state”.

15h11 : Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, @r_stefanchuk, is greeted with loud applause in the hemicycle.#DirectAN #QAG

15h11 : It’s time for questions to the government at the National Assembly. In the preamble, Yaël Braun-Pivet, president of the lower house, takes the floor to welcome Rouslan Stefantchouk, president of the Ukrainian Rada, the local Parliament. “Ukraine must win this war. (…) National representation is fully mobilized”defends the elected Renaissance.

15h00 : My clock shows 3 p.m., it’s time to take stock of the news of this Tuesday afternoon:

• The Parisian procession against the pension reform set off from the 13th arrondissement. In Marseille, as in other cities in France, the number of demonstrators is up sharply compared to January 19.

• According to the unions, the rate of strikers stands at 36.5% at the SNCF, against 46.3% on 19 January. In education, the minister counts a declining mobilization among teachers.

• Ukraine’s Defense Minister announced that Kyiv will receive “between 120 and 140” western heavy tanks.

• According to the Ministry of the Interior, almost all crimes and misdemeanors increased in 2022and intra-family and sexual violence are among the incidents that have experienced the most significant increase.

14h55 : On the diplomatic level, Emmanuel Macron talks this afternoon with Rouslan Stefantchouk, President of the Ukrainian Parliament, as well as with Oleksiy Reznikov, Ukrainian Minister of Defence. He will dine Thursday evening with Binyamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister.

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