Martinican companies are committed to social cohesion

by time news

There are entrepreneurs who do not count their time. Jean-Marie Jeunehomme is certainly one of them: professionally, he is the managing director of the Citadelle automotive group, which owns several companies in Martinique, Guyana, Guadeloupe and Reunion. On a voluntary basis, he is the leader of the “club of inclusive businesses of Martinique”.

Before being created in Martinique on November 6, 2019, this club is first and foremost a national initiative, initiated by the government in the spring of 2019. “Our desire is to have the major role of companies recognized in the social cohesion of the territory, to enable companies to promote their commitment,” reports Jean-Marie Jeunehomme.

In Martinique, some thirty companies of all sizes have already committed to supporting people who are far from employment, by working hand in hand with Pôle emploi, local missions or the youth center workers. Some go even further, providing access to basic services and products for the poorest: Citroën, for example, is working on a partnership to support identified people in buying a car.

A young person, a mentor

One of the priority targets is Martinican youth. “We all have an extensive policy of welcoming interns and apprentices,” insists Jean-Marie Jeunehomme. The inclusive business club also supported the launch of the “1 young person, 1 mentor” scheme on October 13 in Martinique, the aim of which was to provide a mentor to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Twenty-nine mentees that day were identified. A great opportunity, when you know the latest figures from INSEE, which estimates that a quarter of young people in Martinique are Neet (acronym for “neither in education, nor in employment, nor in training”).

Commitment to the club is on a voluntary basis, no membership or fees are payable. “We would like to welcome new companies”, reports Jean-Marie Jeunehomme, who urges those who wish to consult the group’s LinkedIn page.

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