The toll rate increases by 4.75% on average

by time news

This is one of the traditions of the beginning of the year: toll rates are rising. According to the Ministry of Transport, the average increase is 4.75%, “significantly lower” than the 6.33% inflation measured by INSEE at the end of October. Several motorway companies have accompanied this tariff change with commercial measures, in particular for short journeys or electric vehicles.

In detail, for cars (class 1 vehicle), prices increase in particular by 4.526% on the Cofiroute network (Atlantic), 4.620% for Sanef (North and East), 4.683% for Escota (Côte d’Azur) , 4.743% for Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône (APRR), 4.758% for AREA (Alps), 4.823% for Autoroutes du Sud de la France (ASF) and 4.806% for SAPN (Normandy), except on the A14 whose toll jumped 9.89%.

Last 2015 frost catch-up

Toll prices are revalued every year, according to a calculation that takes into account at least 70% of inflation (excluding tobacco) over twelve months until October, and any increases depending on the work planned by the various dealers in their contracts. Added this year, for the last time, the catching up of the toll freeze decided in 2015 by Ségolène Royal.

Two decrees published on Tuesday also approve amendments to the contracts binding the State to the companies APRR, AREA, Sanef and SAPN, criticized last year by the Transport Regulatory Authority (ART), which provide for new work. Incidentally, APRR’s domain is expanding with the takeover of 16 km of the A6 motorway, which until now has been maintained by the State in Ile-de-France. Most motorway companies are controlled by three groups, the French Vinci and Eiffage as well as the Spanish Abertis.

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