Philippe Martinez accuses the executive of “playing arm wrestling”

by time news

He too raises his voice. When taking stock of a second day of mobilization which brought together between 1.27 million (authorities) and 2.5 million demonstrators (unions), the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, indicated on France Inter this Wednesday that “the mobilization is always stronger” and “has spread over the territory”.

“It is the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic who encourage us to go there even more”, he added, while two other days of mobilizations are announced for February 7 and 11. “The more the number of demonstrators increases, the more they say “yes, well, that will not make us change course”. It is they who play (…) arm wrestling, ”he added. “By dint of minimizing the discontent” on the government side, “we will have to move up a gear”, he warned, saying he was in favor of a renewable strike movement.

However, when it was pointed out to him that in 2010, a previous pension reform had been adopted despite 14 days of mobilization, the union official replied: “in fact, we are learning the lessons of 2010 and there is a need for reflect on the notion of strike and renewable strike”. “But it’s not Martinez or (Laurent) Berger (his counterpart at the CFDT) who decide, it’s the employees,” he argued. “Mobilization is starting stronger than in 2010, I think there is greater sensitivity, on pensions, but also beyond,” he further underlined.

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