When will masks be removed on public transport and where will they continue to be mandatory?

by time news


The end of the mandatory mask reaches public transport although they will continue to be maintained in some cases. These are all the details

Madrid Metro passengers using mobile phonesBERNARDO DAZ

The end of mandatory mask arrive at public transport. This has been announced by the Ministry of Health, although the masks will continue to be maintained in some cases. These are all the details.

When does the rule of the end of the mandatory mask come into force?

If the forecasts of the announcement of the Minister of Health are fulfilled, Caroline Dariasafter processing in the Council of Ministers next Tuesday, February 7, The measure will enter into force the following day.because the Government agreements are usually approved the next day in the Official State Gazette (BOE), hence the official withdrawal of the masks will arrive on February 8.

Where the use of masks is not mandatory

will raise the obligation to wear a mask on public transport. This modifies the next point of the Royal Decree 286/2022: “In the media transportation areaby rail or by cable and in the busesas well as in the public passenger transport. In the closed spaces of ships and boats in which it is not possible to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters, except in the cabins, when they are shared by groups of cohabitants.

Where to remain mandatory

At the moment, except for surprises, Darias has communicated that, although it is under study, The mask will be kept in pharmacies and residencesin addition to Health centers y sociosanitary (hospitals, clinics, ambulatory…).

Therefore, the following assumptions of the last RD that until now regulates the use of masks will be maintained: “In health centers, services and establishments as established in Royal Decree 1277/2003, of October 10, which establish the general bases for the authorization of health centers, services and establishments”. That is, in the following situations:

Workers and visitors to care centers and people admitted when they are in shared spaces outside their room.

Workers and visitors in shared areas in social and health centers

When did masks start to be used?

More than 900 (963) days have passed since it was published in the BOE, on May 20, 2020, the order regulating its mandatory use. Since then, progressively in 2022, they have been withdrawn in some spaces.

First abroad: Royal Decree 115/2022, of February 8, gave the green light to leave the masks aside outdoors.

Later, in closed spaces: Royal Decree 286/2022, of April 19, eliminated the use of masks indoors, with the exceptions of public transport and sanitary and socio-sanitary spaces. This is the one that will remain in force until next February 8.

Despite not being mandatory, when and why is the use of a mask recommended?

In the norm, you see the light in the BOE next February 8perhaps they will be added basic recommendationsin which appeal to a “responsible use of the mask”, as was done on past occasions. Above all, it insists on situations in which people are going through a respiratory infection process and the mask is an element to avoid contagion to the closest individuals and serve as a shield against transmissions.

Poblacin vulnerable in any situation in which you have prolonged contact with people at a distance of less than 1.5 meters.

Teachers with vulnerability factors.

In the workplace and in the family environment, gatherings of friends and private celebrations when there is a person with a respiratory infection.

In seasonal periods when there is known to be a large circulation of respiratory viruses that can be concentrated in closed spaces for public use in which people move like shops (shopping centers, supermarkets or small businesses); in closed spaces in which people spend time without eating or drinking (cinemas, theaters, concert halls, museums, etc.) and in closed spaces where people spend time eating and drinking (bars, restaurants, nightlife venues. ..).

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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