Nirmala Sitharaman is the 6th finance minister who presented the budget 5 times in a row Nirmala Sitharaman is the 6th finance minister to present the budget 5 times in a row

by time news

New Delhi: Nirmala Sitharaman presented her first budget in 2019. In this case, he presented the budget yesterday for the 5th consecutive time. Before this, Arun Jaitley, P. Chidambaram, Yashwant Sinha, Manmohan Singh, Morarji Desai have presented the budget 5 times in a row. Nirmala Sitharaman, who presented the budget in 2019, became the second woman after Indira Gandhi, who presented the budget for the financial year 1970-71.

He did away with the traditional budget box that year and instead carried his speech and other documents in a file envelope bearing the national emblem. Nirmala Sitharaman wore the same saree with a red file cover yesterday. In this file envelope he has been taking tablet computer instead of paper text for last 3 years.

Due to the spread of Corona, the central budget has changed to a paperless budget from 2021. A copy of the Budget for Members of Parliament was distributed digitally. A budget app was also introduced to download these.

Since then, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has installed a tablet computer in front of her seat and has been presenting the budget as she reads it. Nirmala, a Tamil from Srirangam used to highlight the pride of Tamils ​​in every budget presentation. For this he has told the incidents of the king’s time and Thirukkulla. But this time somehow he didn’t say anything like that. His presentation in 2024 will be an interim budget as Lok Sabha elections are coming up next year. During the Corona Pandemic, the country faced the pandemic with various schemes announced by him for the poor. India continues to be branded as a fast growing large economy and a bright spot in the global economy.

Those who have presented budget 5 times before: Arun Jaitley, who took charge as the Finance Minister in the first government led by Prime Minister Modi, made the budget from 2014-15 to 2018-19. B. Chidambaram presented the budget from 2004-05 to 2008-09 during the United Progressive Alliance regime. In the Vajpayee-led BJP government, Yashwant Sinha presented the Interim Budget and Final Budget for 1998-99.

After the 1999 general elections he presented 4 budgets from 1999-2000 to 2002-03. During Sinha’s tenure as Finance Minister, the timing of budget presentation was changed from 5 am to 11 am. Manmohan Singh presented the budget from 1991-92 to 1995-96 in the Narasimha Rao-led Congress government.

Economic reforms including liberalization announced in his first budget gave a new direction to India. Former Prime Minister Morarji Desai has budgeted 10 times. He has the honor of being the finance minister who presented the budget the most times. From 1959-60 to 1963-64 he presented 5 consecutive budgets.

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