“acid reflux” leaving it for a long time is risky “Esophageal cancer” So what are the signs of the disease? : PPTVHD36

by time news

a condition in which gastric juice flows back up into the esophagus or as we call it “Gastroesophageal reflux disease” is true that can be cured by taking medication. But if left chronic until the pathology in the esophagus From normal acid reflux disease… it may become more severe to become Esophageal cancer is the 7th most common disease in the world. 9 of cancers in middle-aged Thai men between the ages of 55-65 and is usually found in men about 3-4 times more than women.

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The patient’s symptoms depend on the organs irritated by the acid.

  • Difficulty swallowing, like having a lump in your throat
  • Sore throat. In the morning there is usually mucus in the throat. or may irritate the throat all the time
  • Burning pain in the chest and epigastric region Or it may crack to the neck area.
  • Frequent belching Nausea
  • as if food or gastric juice refluxed into the chest or throat, feeling the bitter taste of bile or sour taste of acid in the throat
  • Bad breath, sensitive teeth, or tooth decay
  • chronic cold
  • chronic hoarseness or hoarse only in the morning
  • persistent cough, feeling choking on saliva or suffocation at night
  • For asthma patients…may have more asthma symptoms And medication does not improve symptoms.

What to do with acid reflux before developing esophageal or laryngeal cancer?

  • change lifestyle By avoiding stress, refraining from smoking, not wearing clothes that are too tight. and if the weight increases a lot should lose weight As well as avoiding straining when having constipation…but choosing to eat foods that help with the excretory system instead
  • change eating habits By choosing to eat foods that are low in fat, refrain from fried foods, oily foods, difficult to digest foods, or spicy foods. Avoid foods such as chocolate, nuts, candy, butter, milk, eggs, tea, coffee, energy drinks and alcoholic beverages. and eat just enough Not too full to the stomach
  • change sleeping habits After eating should not go to bed immediately. But should be spaced at least 3 hours and when sleeping, the head of the bed should be raised about 6-10 inches from the level surface.
  • Alleviate symptoms with medicationthat should be taken according to the doctor’s prescription Do not reduce or stop the drug by yourself. and should visit the doctor regularly for appointments Shouldn’t buy medicine by yourself. because it may cause the stomach to secrete more acid than before

Esophageal Cancer Signs

There are no specific symptoms of esophageal cancer and there is no early screening test for esophageal cancer. But it is a symptom similar to the general disease. The most common esophageal obstructions are:

  • Trouble swallowing, feeling stuck or choking
  • There may be sputum mixed with blood.
  • coughing, choking while eating
  • The lymph nodes in the neck may be palpated.
  • thinner because of not being able to eat or having little

Esophageal Cancer Risk Factors

Because the exact cause of esophageal cancer is still unknown. But there are many factors that may increase your risk of getting the disease, for example:

  • Age, where the 55-65 age range is at the highest risk
  • Males are 3 times more likely to have this disease than females.
  • people with acid reflux
  • smoking, drinking alcohol
  • A condition of the esophagus called Barrett’s esophagus, a condition that occurs in people with inflammation of the esophagus caused by stomach acid destroying the esophageal endothelial cells. can cause cancer
  • Eating a diet low in fruits, vegetables and minerals.
  • obesity

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Therefore, if these symptoms You should consult your doctor early. for accurate diagnosis Esophageal cancer is divided into 4 stages.

  • Phase 1 The cancer is small, still only in the esophagus, has not spread.
  • Phase 2 The cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes.
  • Phase 3 Cancer has spread through various tissues. of the esophagus and has spread to nearby lymph nodes
  • Phase 4 Cancer has spread to nearby organs. has spread to distant lymph nodes
    out or spread to other organs that are distant, such as the lungs, liver, or bones, etc.

How to treat esophageal cancer

  • surgery It is a method of treatment in early stage cancer. and esophageal cancer in a position that can be operated on by surgery to remove the cancerous part of the esophagus But in the advanced stage of the disease until the patient cannot eat orally A small gastric or intestinal surgery may be performed to allow feeding through a tube instead.
  • radiotherapy It is usually just irradiation. Or radiation combined with chemotherapy or radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, which will be in accordance with medical indications on a case by case basis. Radiation is the same. Surgery has two purposes: treatment for disease control. which is used to treat patients with mild metastasis and Good health and palliative treatment to treat patients with Too much or not healthy

Thank you for information from: Phayathai Hospital and Ramathibodi Hospital

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