The Senate revives the debate on the ratios of caregivers per number of patients in the hospital

by time news

This is an important signal to the hospital, widely welcomed by healthcare professionals. The Senate voted on Wednesday 1is February, in favor of a bill establishing a minimum number of caregivers in relation to the number of patients. This ratio – or rather these ratios, because there could be as many as there are specialties and types of activity – is supposed to improve the working conditions of nurses and nursing auxiliaries, and, ultimately, to make jobs more attractive. who are struggling to recruit. The text, carried by the ecologist senator from Paris Bernard Jomier, was widely adopted, with 257 votes against 16, despite the opposition of the government.

“I affirm it, establishing ratios will inevitably lead to reorganization of the care offer, with collateral effects requiring staff recalls, bed closures and, in the most difficult cases, service closures”, wanted to warn, on behalf of the Minister of Health, the Minister Delegate for Health Professions, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo. Referring to a necessary “agility” services, she denounced, on Wednesday, before the senators, a measure ” the opposite of [notre] method “.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Why the hospital is no longer attractive for caregivers

The text, which must now be submitted to the National Assembly, is based on a single article. Each specialty, each type of activity would be assigned a minimum ratio of carers per open bed or per number of passages (for outpatient activities), in establishments providing public hospital service, a ratio established by the High Authority for Health (HAS). ). In committee, where the bill was adopted, at the end of January, the text was amended to give HAS until December 31, 2024 to define these ratios, and another two years for the government to implement them. square. “We are criticized that a brutal application would lead to closing even more beds, for lack of personnel; so we give ourselves the time to initiate this turning pointemphasizes Bernard Jomier, a doctor by profession. But it is urgent to give a course, perspectives to caregivers. »

“Take a Turn”

Because, in a hospital in crisis, the tensions in human resources are generalized: 99% of public health establishments declare recruitment difficulties, according to figures recalled, this same Wednesday, by the Hospital Federation of France (FHF), from a survey conducted between April and May 2022. The absenteeism rate reached 10% in 2022, three points more than ten years ago, still according to the FHF, which estimates the number of vacancies at 15,000 among nurses, 15,000 also among hospital practitioners, and 5,000 among social workers. Faced with this situation, the federation, which has calculated that it will have to recruit 125,000 people over four years, has unveiled a “battle plan for human resources”.

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