“Trump, Clinton, Spacey and Prince Andrew on the plane of pedophile Epstein”

by time news

Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Kevin Spacey are some of the celebrities that the pilot of the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein testified that he transported on the plane Lolita Express

Lawrence Larry Visoski, who for 25 years was Epstein’s personal pilot, testified in the ongoing trial in New York against Ghislaine Maxwell, ex-partner of the financier who committed suicide, accused of complicity in sexual trafficking, where he recalled having flew Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Kevin Spacey on Epstein’s private planes.

Visoski said he was warned in advance when there would be any illustrious passengers, to allow them to prepare the aircraft properly, and claimed he never witnessed any sexual activity on flights, though his cockpit door remained closed. He did not even suspect that there were underage women on board; those present they had always seemed adult to him, at least eighteen.

The pilot of the Lolita Express, as Epstein’s private plane was dubbed, he also recalled having flown Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the woman who has accused Prince Andrew of sexual assault when it was underage. An accusation that the 61-year-old third son of the Queen Elizabeth he has repeatedly denied. Visoski said of Giuffre that at the time “didn’t look young” and that in his eyes “she was a woman”.

And if Epstein was the “number one” in charge of the sex trafficking tour of which he was accused before his death, Maxwell was “number two”, Visoski reported. Their relationship, he explained, was “more personal than business“, even if it did not appear to be a relationship of a” romantic “nature.

Ghislaine Maxwell “was present during Epstein’s sexual abuse”

A witness also accused Ghislaine Maxwell, of having witnessed some of the sexual abuse she suffered by Epstein when she was a teenager. The witness, “Jane”, is the first of 4 who should speak during Maxwell’s trial, accused of six crimes related tosolicitation of minors who were then abused by his partner, who committed suicide in prison in August 2019.

“Jane” said she first met the couple when he was 14 and he was in an arts summer camp in 1994, a few months after losing his father, a conductor who died of leukemia. The two, she said, introduced themselves as camp financiers and invited her home with her mother. Then she was often invited alone and the financier began to give her money to help the family in economic difficulty.

The first sexual contact shocked her: it was the first time she saw a naked man and, she said through tears, he didn’t tell anyone about it out of shame and guilt. Thereafter, intercourse became frequent and Ghislaine Maxwell was also present at times, while on some occasions other women also participated in the sexual “feasts.” “Jane” also said she had traveled on several occasions with Epstein and Maxwell, for a couple of years.

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Maxwell, now 59, has been in jail in the US since her arrest last year. If found guilty, risks up to 80 years of imprisonment. The woman, who in addition to the British passport also has US and French citizenship, is accused of having procured Epstein and his VIP friends girls, often minors, for their sexual entertainment. Maxwell denied the allegations, claiming she was being used as scapegoat for the trafficking of the former finance.

The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell

The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, former partner and “right hand” Jeffrey Epstein, began in a New York court, where it will be assessed whether Maxwell was the ‘hunter’ of prey destined for the abuse of the millionaire who committed suicide in prison in 2019.

The long-awaited trial of Maxwell, 59, daughter of controversial businessman Robert Maxwell, brought together a large audience, forcing Judge Alithon Nathan to set up six rooms in which to follow the trial on closed circuit TV. The prosecution, which opened the trial, described Maxwell as one “dangerous woman” who cheated on girls “so that Epstein would sexually abuse her.”

“Between 1994 and 2004, the defendant has sexually exploited young people he manipulated“to deliver them to Epstein, said the prosecution, which presents the testimonies of four women who claim to be victims of abuse.

In presenting the facts to the jury members, Deputy Prosecutor Lara Pomerantz told the story of one of the four main witnesses: “Jane, a 14-year-old seduced by Epstein and Maxwell to abuse her. According to the prosecution report, the defendant’s behavior and the late tycoon – described as “criminal partners” – represented a repeating pattern with each victim.

First they benefit – “many of which came from families who were having difficulty making ends meet“- they were approached and then,” once their trust was gained, they were promised the world “: scholarships, travel and contacts in the jet-set. “They made them believe that their dreams would come true”, that they could be actresses, models, musicians, but everything “was a hoax”.

According to Pomerantz, once he gained their trust, Maxwell openly talked about sex with them until he did persuaded them to give Epstein a massage. “But the massage was an excuse for Epstein to touch them” and then “sexually abusing them“. In some of these meetings, according to the Prosecutor’s Office, Maxwell was present and actively participated.

Theater of alleged abuses Epstein’s homes in Florida, New York, the Virgin Islands, Santa Fe and more Paris. This has changed since 2000, when Maxwell would have started pay the girls to perform massages and even for recruit other young women. “The defendant played an essential role in the plot. She knew exactly what she was doing, she was dangerous, she was preparing the girls for a predator,” said Pomerantz, who recalled that Maxwell must answer for six counts of indictment.

For her part, Maxwell’s attorney, Bobbi Sternheim, who said herself proud to stand up for her client, claimed that the four victims who will testify during the trial “they are doing it for money, to rake in millions from the fund created for Epstein’s victims. “According to Sternheim, their memory of the events is distant, has been manipulated and it can’t be corroborated by other witnesses or evidence.

Memories fade over time and, in this case, we will learn that not only have the memories faded, but they have been contaminated by external information“, he added. For the lawyer, Maxwell is nothing more than” the scapegoat tried in place of Epstein “.

The case received huge media attention because several important personalities from the world of politics and entertainment have been linked to Epstein, including the Prince Andrew of England – currently accused in another case in New York by one of the alleged victims of the businessman – the former president Bill Clinton or the co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates.

READ ALSO: Epstein: “I’m a coward, I’ll never kill myself”. The minutes from the prison

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