The fact that Las Banderas is not hot is represented, it is an investment that will contribute to the consolidation of the local creation of Seville

by time news

On February 3rd it will be performed at the Teatro Távora (Sevilla), The flags are not hotby the hand of Maria Marin, Adela Castano y Jose Carlos Perez.

The flags do not give heat, is an example of how Sevillian theaters such as the Teatro Távora, the Teatro Viento Sur or the Teatro La Fundición, have the wisdom to leave space in their respective programming for creations by local professionals. Apart from the fact that various factors intervene behind it, it is a fact that the foregoing is an essential element for conservation and the development of disciplines such as performing arts. Furthermore, if this were not the case, Seville would be a “receiving city”. Not a place (although many things can be more than improved) where you enter into real dialogs with creators who reside outside of it, generating an effect multiplier and openness to what is moving in other parts of Spain and the world.

And just creations like The flags are not hot It could be a good example of what I’m talking about. Just by mentioning that this production is the first production of the local media specialized in performing arts, The Zentralite, gives us a hint of how, little by little, a fabric is generated that facilitates a certain consolidation, or in the worst case, a “retaining wall” against possible risks of disappearance of local creation. In case there is any doubt, here it is not a question of entering into debates on the fact that it is necessary to “defend what is here, yes or yes, because it is what is here; and for this reason it is good (without any reflection or critical spirit)”; If not, I would prefer it, as an event that deserves our attention to understand what surrounds us. Already during its corresponding representation we will assess its artistic consistency, or whatever.

Photo: Antonio Pineda

Without more to add, I leave you with a preview of this piece of Maria Marinand which will be interpreted by Adela Castaño and José Carlos Pérez:

To what extent can we be true to ourselves? Are there limits to political commitment?

Las banderas no da calor is an intimate drama set in the Spanish postwar period. It is a piece that conveys the emotions, desires and deepest fears of a young married couple, María and Pedro, who are victims of their own decisions.

Historically articulating the past does not mean knowing it just as truly has been.

It means owning a memory as flashes at the moment of danger

Walter Benjamin

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