War in Ukraine: Paris and Rome announce the delivery of an anti-aircraft defense system to kyiv

by time news

The statement was especially expected after the deliveries of German and American tanks to Ukraine. France announced on Friday, jointly with Italy, the dispatch to kyiv of the MAMBA air defense system. This announcement comes three days after that of the delivery of 12 additional Caesar guns, which will strengthen the Ukrainian defense.

Of Franco-Italian design, the MAMBA is “the first long-range European anti-missile system”, explains the Ministry of the Armed Forces in a press release. It is a launcher of surface-to-air missiles, that is to say intended to intercept enemy bombardments, mounted on a truck – like the Caesar gun. A description that sticks to the strategy displayed by Emmanuel Macron in terms of military support for Ukraine. During a trip to the Netherlands at the end of January, the Head of State had indicated that he only wanted to provide weapons “non-escalating” and “not likely to touch Russian soil, but to help the resistance effort “.

The MAMBA “will allow Ukraine to defend itself against attacks by drones, missiles and Russian planes, by covering a significant part of Ukrainian territory”, assures the ministry. A more than welcome support, the country being daily targeted by Russian strikes which are particularly deadly for civilians.

“Protect Civilians”

The provision of such a system responds precisely to “the urgency expressed by Oleksii Reznikov, Ukrainian Minister of Defence, to protect civilian populations and infrastructures against Russian attacks from the air”, specifies the press release.

In addition to the missile launcher, France will provide President Zelensky’s troops with a Thales GM200 radar, which will “reinforce its effectiveness”. The Ground master 200, costing 30 million euros, has a range of 250 km, sufficient to cover “the entire kyiv region”, according to the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu.

Recently accused of not doing enough in its support for Ukraine, France is putting forward a strategy of “effective” and “reliable” shipments to Ukraine, in areas where it excels. The delivery of 12 Caesar guns, in addition to the 18 howitzers already supplied, is part of this logic. The aid provided by Paris nevertheless remains light years away from the billions spent by Washington to support its ally. The United States also announced on Friday a new package of more than 2 billion dollars intended to finance, in particular, GLSDBs, small bombs fired from the ground.

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