How often do you wash your pajamas? And the jeans? Proper hygiene (without becoming maniacal) –

by time news

In some situations washing clothes infrequently could lead to skin problems or infections, but there is a difference between the various garments and how they are used. Here are the rules for proper hygiene that can prevent the proliferation of germs

How often to wash clothes for correct hygiene that can prevent the proliferation of germs and bacteria? The answer: it depends. The two most important factors are how much you sweat and if the clothing in question a direct contact with skin.

In some situations washing clothes infrequently could help skin problems or infectionseven if in the Western world there is often the opposite risk (especially after Covid): that of excessive sanitation.

The garments in contact with the skin
(such as underwear, pajamas, socks, pantyhose, leggings) or in contact with sweat (such as sportswear) should be washed every day, or after each use. Of course it depends on how much you sweat and how long you use them, but the sweat and smell are due to bacteria that live on our body. The overgrowth of bacteria can lead to infections, fungus, and other skin problems.

About the underwear greater attention must be paid: we host various microorganisms on the skin and in the intestines which are generally not harmful, but can become so if they end up in the wrong place, coming into contact with other parts of our body. You can risk cystitis or mycosis.

The pajamas (except in summer) does not collect much sweat: if you go to bed clean, wearing underwear and without sweating, it could be washed even once a week. If then with pajamas (or overalls from home) you eat and turn around
for rooms, even for several hours, the question changes because the use increases.

Attention to socks: Fungal infections on the feet and toes are very common. well wash your socks every day, and your shoes (or at least the insoles in the washing machine) at least once a month.

The clothes worn in gyms or sports environments they can come into contact (as well as with sweat) with bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, causing dangerous infections: it is better to wash them immediately after use.

As regards clothing in contact with theexternal environment the considerations involve the possibility that the garments get dirty, or pick up odours. The T-shirt (if not in contact with skin) ei sweaters they don’t need to be washed very often if they aren’t dirty. The same goes for i pants or jeans: one week, ten days. Obviously it also depends on use (how many hours you stay in that dress) and sweating.

Coats or jackets they typically don’t need to be washed more than once a month as they don’t touch the skin.

It is also important not to store used clothing outdoors and dirty in contact with others in thewardrobe: bacteria, but also pollen and allergens, can pass from one end to the other. Especially if they live in houses
allergic people
it is necessary to change clothes when you return home, because clothes become full of pollen and allergens. In addition to this, it is highly recommended not to bring used outdoor clothing into the bedroom.

Even the sheets must be washed often: once a week, especially in the summer.

A note about washes and detergents: from clothes it is not necessary to eliminate all germs and for normal clothes it is sufficient a wash at 30 degrees in the washing machine. Instead, it is better to wash towels and sheets at 60 degrees, adding a bleach-based detergent if they have been used by a person with flu or infectious diseases. At least as far as the pillowcases are concerned, they should be washed using a product without any fragrance or softener. The chemicals contained in perfumed products can in fact irritate and inflame the skinsometimes causing skin rashes in predisposed subjects.

Beware of the craze for hygiene, not only with clothes, but also with surfaces: if cleaning is dutiful and necessary, living in an environment bordering on aseptic, it is harmful to our immune system, especially that of children, which instead should train yourself to react correctly to external stimuli. An almost sterile house increases the probability that the immune system will respond abnormally to completely normal substances, thus increasing the possibility of develop allergies.

Last marginal consideration: washing clothes too often (with the right detergents) does not directly cause health problems, if not the wear of the fabrics of which the clothes are made.

February 4, 2023 (change February 4, 2023 | 08:50)

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