Basic guide with what should never be done inside a hospital

by time news
  • Although many things are learned at university, life inside hospitals is completely different.
  • The basis of Medicine is teamwork because the collaboration of others is always required to offer a comprehensive service to patients.
  • From lack of honesty to belittling younger doctors are some mistakes that should never be made in a hospital.

The job of a health professional can have many characteristics but peace of mind. Everything stems from the fact that there is rarely free time due to all the activities that must be carried out within the hospital. For this reason, it is necessary to keep it in perfect condition to be able to respond to any inconvenience instantly.

In part, this rhythm of life can be observed from the time young people are students. The penultimate year of the degree consists of rotating through hospitals. The objective is to put into practice all the theory learned at the university. At the same time, it also works to get to know the busy life inside the health centers.

Life inside a hospital is never easy

For his part, the pressures are not only from patients but also from colleagues and health workers themselves. Each has a fast pace and wants the others to be the same.

However, as in any space, there are rules that must be followed. Some may seem more logical than the rest, but they all have the objective of achieving friendly environments.

In that tenor, Harmony is fundamental within a hospital. Despite the apparent chaos that prevails, it is necessary to remain calm. Similarly, mutual collaboration is the basis for achieving a favorable environment. It should never be forgotten that Medicine is based on teamwork.

Based on all of the above, Dr. Carlos Guerrero, better known on social networks as “Polo Guerrero”, made a video on the subject. These are basic recommendations with what should never be done inside a hospital. Some are indications for health workers and others for patients, but the ideal is to respect each one.

Say you have a quiet guard

If you are a student and you think that you have a day without complications, it is best to never say it out loud. The reason is because at the least expected moment a patient can arrive at the ER and with that all the apparent peace ends.

avoid gossip

In any workplace there are always people who tend to transmit information to everyone around them. Up to this point there is no problem but you should always avoid doing it in public or in places like the elevator because misinterpretations can be generated.

Young doctors should never be looked down on

This mistake is often made by patients but it can also happen to health workers. Older doctors are often thought to be “better” because they are the most experienced. Actually it is not entirely true and it is an error of appreciation.

The main drawback is that contempt is generated towards the youngest and it can never be overlooked that everyone starts at the bottom. Therefore, the ideal is to believe and trust everyone regardless of their age.

Doctors should never be lied to

Finally there is a recommendation for patients and you are the living image that it is something true. Within the office absolute trust and honesty is required. The problem is that some people feel embarrassed when talking about their habits or anything related to their sexuality.

Although it seems something small or innocent, it is actually very important. Any lie can cause the medical diagnosis to be incorrect. If this happens, it is the patient’s fault for his lack of honesty.

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