Superlega, Ceferin-Agnelli and the breaking of a friendship. The N. 1 Uefa was the godfather of his daughter-

by time news

A union for interest, mistaken for friendship, which ended in the worst way. Between president of UEFA Alexander Ceferin elor Juventus player Andrea Agnelli and consume a divorce loaded with grudges, with a few unspoken and a ton of accusations, thrown up without filters.

Seduced, betrayed and abandoned the number one of the European Federation, he was stabbed by those he believed to be his main ally. “I was a criminal lawyer, I’ve seen many in my life, but never one to lie like that», The 53-year-old Slovenian, who left Ljubljana and became number of European football in September 2016, after the fall of the old king, Michel Platini, vented. Juve was obviously in his destiny, with Agnelli the harmony was total.

Two years ago the Juventus president pushed for a reform of the Champions League, he had already imagined her as a miniature Super League, with many fixed places for the big ones Europe and limited space for outsiders. Ceferin defended that first project, which was later aborted, attracting the dislikes of half of Europe. More than his position contested his friendship with Agnelli, i travel in Ferrari and on Andrea’s private jet, to tell the truth, always denied by Ceferin himself who, however, had required to christen his daughter of the Juventus patron.

«Andrea is the biggest disappointment. I talked to him on Saturday, he told me that those on the Super League were just rumors, then he turned off the phone. I hadn’t noticed that there were snakes inside us. I don’t know if I can really say what I think of them ». Ceferin struggles to hold back his anger.

Whipped, irritated, disappointed, on Sunday he met with the other members of the UEFA Executive Committee in Montreaux, on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. It had to be the usual routine meeting, the final preparations before the presentation of the new Champions. On the table lay the placeholder of Andrea Agnelli, the stone guest, expected as president of the ECA, the association of European clubs that with Uefa had developed the reform of the cups.

“He escaped from the association he presided over, I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. There is nostaffing with the other Super League teams, with Agnelli yes “Ceferin thundered again.

Deceived, the UEFA president tried to contact Agnelli: he never got an answer, disappeared like a ghost. “And to think that he said that the new Champions League was a fantastic project, from which he preferred to escape.”

After all, the facts are worth a thousand words. “Greed is so strong that it defeats all human values, the Super League’s proposal is horrible. Now everyone knows who these people really are. Uefa is not just a question of money, it pursues values ​​of solidarity, especially towards smaller clubs. The Super League on the other hand, yes, it’s just a question of money for a dozen companies, a dirty dozen I would say. For some, solidarity means nothing, there is only money in their pockets “, Ceferin’s thrust on Agnelli and his new exclusive club for the rich.

Superlega is born: things to know

  • Superlega, now it’s official: “Twelve clubs create a new competition”

  • Superlega, Juve, Inter and Milan join. UEFA: “Who is out of the leagues”

  • The negotiations, the lawsuits, the fate of the championships, the 5 teams invited

  • What is the European football super league

  • The football Super League teams

  • Agnelli, Perez and the Superlega: the strategies of a war for money

  • Who is Florentino Perez, the man behind the Super League

  • Superlega, Sconcerti’s analysis: a crude idea that goes against the fans. And then: how would Agnelli’s Juve arrive?

  • The issues to be clarified that remain on the table

  • Superlega, Juventus flies on the stock market: the markets are betting on the “new” US model football

  • Superlega, JP Morgan in the open: “We finance the European clubs”. Ready 6 billion

The lawyers will speak from now on. On Friday, a new extraordinary Executive Committee is scheduled to discuss with the lawyers the immediate expulsions of the European tournaments of the clubs involved, the possible sanctions to the players, already very alarmed, and how to organize themselves for a legal battle that will be very tough. Uefa has already launched the counter-offensive and has long begun discussions to bring the new Champions a financial partner worth 6 billion euros. «On the one hand I am infuriated, on the other I am happy that this Super League thing has finally happened. Some people have shown their true face: now I know who they are ».

Ceferin noticed it late, but the war has just begun. He conceded goals on the counterattack, there is still time to overturn the result.

April 20, 2021 (change April 20, 2021 | 00:15)

© Time.News

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