Education and discussion by ChatGPT and AI

by time news

At the end of November a technological novelty shook the world.

The artificial intelligence research company OpenAI launched ChatGPT, listed -now- as the most advanced chatbot in the world. In essence, a system that provides answers to any question or concern that is formulated, through coherent, well-written texts, on any topic and in a variety of languages. In other words, an artificial intelligence chat capable of maintaining natural conversations.

Alarm bells go off in education

The irruption of ChatGPT, which surprised even the most skeptical, did not take long to set off alarm bells, especially in the educational sector.

And it is that this chatbot is capable of writing stories, essays and a whole range of formats commonly used in the academic world.

Although after two months of “operation” the social implications are yet to be seen, various educational institutions around the world and at all levels took forceful measures in the face of this novelty.

discussion-by-chatgpt-between-teachersSome of Australia’s top universities, which surprised their students by using the tool for their essays, have reverted to paper-and-pencil exams to counter the fact that they’ve been labeled ‘critical’.

“Due to concerns about negative impacts on student learning and concerns about content security and accuracy, access to ChatGPT is restricted on New York City Public Schools networks and devices,” it said. For her part, Jenna Lyle, deputy press secretary for New York Public Schools, in a statement. And on the opposite coast, the Los Angeles Unified School District preemptively blocked the site on all networks and devices in its system to protect academic honesty while evaluating risks and benefits with this AI, CNN reported.

Perhaps it was not for less. Influencers and fans of the networks did not take long to publish their first use maneuvers with this chatbot.

To one of them, in a few seconds, he presented a summary of Don Quixote de la Mancha in 200 words, according to this requirement.

The ChatGPT discussion on the table

Although artificial intelligence has also been the subject of ridicule for some of his answers, such as the curious representation of a salmon in a river, as an Internet user asked him to do, in any case the evidence forces the academy to speed up the debate. that should be given about the use of this technology.

Indeed, a hypothetical exercise carried out in the CESA classrooms continued to yield data as compelling as those of Don Quixote.

‘I want to do a two-week activity for business administration students in their last semester, that challenges them to work as a team and that has to do with digital transformation’

ChatGPT poured his answer, with hair and signals and in natural language, in just 1 minute and 32 seconds.discussion-by-chatgpt-between-teachers

‘Create a three-question multiple-choice test on the difference between capitalism and socialism.’

GPT made the quiz in 1 minute and 26 seconds.

‘Develop a plan based on Python that calculates the payroll of a company of 10 employees’:

1 minute and 26 seconds.


It is in this context that CESA, aware of the impact of AI, its concern for academic and ethical quality, and at the same time the need to use technology as an ally of education, puts the issue on the table. to discuss it in depth.

Last Wednesday, headed by its rector, Emilia Restrepo, announced the holding of a cycle of seminars-workshops, initially aimed at its teaching staff, to explore various angles on the subject.

Hence, CESA teachers have already signed up for some of these thematic workshops (6) to deal with the subject. The use of AI, of ChatGPT, and the legal implications, ethical issues, pros and cons for research, curriculum and benefits for pedagogical and didactic uses.

With these workshops, CESA begins a deep reflection with one more variable in the equation of its evolution: the present of education and the future of work.

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