Pension reform: those who started working early will leave at 63, says Élisabeth Borne

by time news

The government takes a first step towards the Republicans. On long careers and on the minimum pension. In an interview with the JDD, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announces that she will “move” on the pension reform.

“The deputies of our majority and the LRs wanted current retirees – and not only future – to benefit from the revaluation of the minimum pension. We have retained this idea, ”says the Prime Minister. “I also hear their wish for those who started working early. We are going to move by extending this long career system to those who started working between the ages of 20 and 21. They will thus be able to leave at the age of 63, in accordance with the rules provided for by the system, ”she said to the weekly.

“You see it, we hear their request. This is a measure that will cost between 600 million and one billion euros per year, and which will affect up to 30,000 people per year. As we are carrying out this reform to ensure the balance of the system by 2030, we will have to find ways of financing” also noted the head of government. The voices of Republicans are essential to pass this reform. They have raised the stakes and have been pleading for several days to avoid that “those who started working the earliest (have to) contribute the longest”, according to party president Eric Ciotti.

A green light to their proposal on long careers “will make it possible to win a very large majority in the LR group”, he assured the Parisian. Currently, a career start before 20 years old can allow an early departure of two years, and entry into working life before the age of 16 can give the right to an early retirement of four years. The reform project provides that this device will be “adapted”: those who started before the age of 20 will be able to leave two years earlier, i.e. 62 years old; those who started before 18 will be able to leave at 60, etc.

To another request from the LRs, also brought by the MoDem group, the Prime Minister has “no objection”: it would be a question of making “a mid-term progress report on the reform”, in 2027 That year, “there is a presidential election and legislative elections”, which “is already a form of review clause”, she notes.

“We seek agreements beyond the majority”

“On this bill, as on the others, we are seeking agreements beyond the majority. I want to find a majority. This is what I have been working on all these last weeks and months, ”clarified Élisabeth Borne, on her remarks made to the Parisian assuring that she was not considering the use of 49.3.

While the opposition to this reform does not weaken, with a new day of mobilization on February 11, Elisabeth Borne remains faithful to her line of conduct and her elements of language since she personally took charge of this burning file. She calls for a “collective effort. I understand that this arouses reactions, reluctance and concerns”, however admits the Prime Minister. In response to the leader of the CFDT Laurent Berger, who accused her Thursday evening of lacking “empathy”, the tenant of Matignon affirms that “it is hurtful, and it is the opposite of who I am and of what I’m wearing.”

“It is essential for our country to preserve our social and solidarity model. This is the mandate given to me by the President of the Republic and it goes far beyond my person, ”she concluded, not considering a failure of her reform.

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