Elisabeth Borne announces that those who started working between the ages of 20 and 21 will be able to leave at 63

by time news

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced to the Sunday newspaper of February 5 that people who started working between the ages of 20 and 21 will be able to retire at 63, and not 64, thus responding favorably to the request of LR deputies.

” We hear “ the request of right-wing elected officials, she added, before the start of the debates before the National Assembly on Monday.

The votes of the deputies The Republicans are essential to pass this reform. They have raised the stakes and have been pleading for several days to prevent “those who started working the earliest must contribute the longest”, according to party chairman Eric Ciotti. A green light for their proposal on long careers “will allow us to win a very large majority in the LR group”he assured the Parisian.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: LR puts pressure on the government about long careers

“It is a measure that will cost between 600 million and one billion euros per year, and which will affect up to 30,000 people per year”emphasizes M.me Borne. Et “as we are carrying out this reform to ensure the balance of the system by 2030, we will have to find ways of financing”.

Currently, starting a career before the age of 20 can allow an early retirement of two years, and entering the workforce before the age of 16 can give the right to an early retirement of four years. The reform project provides that this system will be “adapted” : those who started before the age of 20 will be able to leave two years earlier, i.e. 62 years old; those who started before 18 will be able to leave at 60, etc.

Read also: Pension reform: what are the points of the project that crystallize the debates?

Mid-term progress report

At another request from the LRs, also brought by the MoDem group, the Prime Minister did not ” no objection “ : it would be a question of doing “a mid-term review of the reform”in 2027. That year, “there is a presidential election and legislative elections”what “is already a form of review clause”she notes.

While two new days of mobilization are planned, on February 7 and 11, Mme Borne says he understands that the reform pushing back the legal age of departure from 62 to 64 “causes reactions, reluctance and concerns”. “But our objective is to ensure the future of our pay-as-you-go pension system”she hammers, saying “regret that some, especially on the left, maintain misunderstandings”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pensions: on France 2, Elisabeth Borne claims to be “listening” to criticism, but assures: “This reform, it will be done”

In response to CFDT leader Laurent Berger, who accused her on Thursday evening of lacking” empathy “the tenant of Matignon affirms that “It’s hurtful, and it’s the opposite of who I am and what I wear”. And if the reform does not finally pass? “I don’t make that assumption. I’m looking for the way”explains M.me Borne.

The World with AFP

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