Heat at work, an occupational risk to prevent

by time news

Sun exposure together with excessive heat can cause various health effects of varying severity, such as skin rash, extremity edema, sunburn, skin blemishes, eye lesions, skin cancer, muscle cramps, dehydration or heat exhaustion, among others.

One of the most serious effects of exposure to excessive heat is heat stroke. The main symptoms are: heat, dry and red skin, nausea and vomiting, rapid pulse, severe headache, confusion and loss of consciousness. In the presence of these symptoms, quickly contact the emergency service.

The Ministry of Health prepared some basic tips to prevent heat at work. On the one hand, aimed at the company, with the following recommendations:

  • Informs and trains workers on the risks, effects, preventive measures and first aid in the face of high temperatures.
  • Modify work processes to eliminate or reduce excessive physical effort.
  • Set rotations to reduce exposure time. Avoid having permanent stands in the sun, install awnings or other effective means of creating shade.
  • It encourages workers to adapt their own pace of work. Plan the acclimatization of new staff, who return from vacations or leave.
  • Provide staff with plenty of fresh water and cool, covered or shaded resting places for them to rest.

And on the other hand, to the workers and workers:

  • Protect yourself from the sun with hats, sunglasses and sun creams.
  • Drink fresh water frequently, even if you are not thirsty.
  • Eat light meals.
  • Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing.
  • Take breaks and rest in the shade.
  • Take a shower and/or freshen up at the end of work.

To enjoy the summer in good health, it is essential to monitor high temperatures and their effects on our health during work.

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