“Putin never threatened me or Germany”

by time news

Medvedev: More US arms shipments mean ‘burning Ukraine’

According to top Russian politician Dmitry Medvedev, the delivery of modern weapons from the USA to Ukraine will only trigger further retaliatory attacks by the Russian military. That applies to the nuclear doctrine, Medvedev told journalist Nadana Fridrichson, who published the quotes on her Telegram channel. “All of Ukraine that remains under Kiev’s rule will burn,” Medvedev said in the written interview. Medvedev is the deputy chairman of the powerful National Security Council, which is headed by President Vladimir Putin. Former President Medvedev is one of the most vocal supporters of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began almost a year ago.

Fridrichson asked Medvedev if the Ukrainian military’s use of longer-range weapons could force Russia to negotiate with the government in Kyiv. “The result will be exactly the opposite,” he replied. “Only moral freaks can argue like that, of which there are enough in both the White House and the Capitol,” he said, looking at the US President’s official residence and the US Parliament.

The US Department of Defense said on Friday a new missile that would double the range of Ukraine’s armed forces was included in a more than $2 billion military aid package. Like Medvedev, Putin has repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons and has said that Russia will use all available means to protect its territory and people. That includes nuclear weapons.

Asked about the consequences of Ukraine hitting the Crimea peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014, or territory deep in Russia, with the weapons promised by the US, Medvedev said Putin had clearly raised the issue. “We set no limits and are ready to use all types of weapons depending on the nature of the threat. In accordance with our doctrine, including the fundamentals of nuclear deterrence,” he said. “I can assure you that the answer will be quick, hard and convincing.”

Russia’s nuclear doctrine allows a nuclear strike after “an aggression against the Russian Federation with conventional weapons when the existence of the state is threatened”.

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