Pedro Sánchez breastfeeds the bank tax the same week that it announces record benefits

by time news
  • Santander, Caixabank and BBVA closed 2022 with an increase in profits of between 18 and 38%

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezhas chested this Saturday from the temporary tax on bank profits, the same week that the three main entities in the country have announced record profits during 2022. The Santander Bank, caixabank y BBVA closed the results for the 2022 financial year with increases in their profit account of between 18 and 38%. Between the three they won last year €19.170 million. “Do we want a government that defends the minority or the majority?” asked the executive leader rhetorically, who has criticized the appeal contemplated by the PP before the Constitutional Court to try to stop the new tax.

The employers’ association Foment del Treball has already announced that it is legally promoting and finalizing an appeal before the TC to challenge the tax on large fortunes, as well as that of energy and banking. This last tax has entered into force since January 1 of this year, will remain in force until 2024 and will tax the income from commissions and net interest collected by the largest financial entities with 4.8%, whose income from both concepts exceeds the 800 million euros.

“We do not choose crises, the key is what response we give to these crises. There were others, during the financial crisis, who used public resources to rescue bankrupt banks while freezing the minimum wage and pensions. And this government has imposed a large tax to large financial institutions and has revalued pensions according to the CPI and raises the minimum wage to 1,080 euros. This is the difference”, Sánchez stated during an act of his party this Saturday.

The PSOE exhibits economic results

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The general secretary of the PSOE has anointed the still Minister of Industry and Commerce, maroto kings, as a candidate for mayor of the city of Madrid and has taken advantage of the appointment to confront his management at the head of the Executive with that of the PP, blaming the conservatives for the rescue of Bankia paid for with public money. “Spain imported financial bailouts and now exports fair solutions,” Sánchez has assessed, in relation to the Iberian exception to cap the price of gas.

The electoral marathon of this 2023 has already begun, with municipal and regional elections on May 28 and general ones in November or December. Keeping an eye on both dates, the Prime Minister assessed that Spain has “the temporality more low [de su historia] thanks to one labour reform agreed with employers and unions”, which the inflation is the lowest in the European Union or that the unemployment rate -despite continuing to be the highest in the EU-, it is almost four points lower -now it is at 12.9%- than when Mariano Rajoy left Moncloa. “If with a pandemic, in between the volcano [de la Palma, en Canarias]the Dana and now a war we have achieved everything we have achieved, imagine when the wind blows in our favour”, Sánchez has sentenced.

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