“Ok, think about it but I’m afraid it’s premature”

by time news

“We must be careful that the reopening is not premature. It is certainly right to think about this phase, but let’s not forget that today we have 500 thousand people currently positive and still almost 400 daily deaths. In the first wave these numbers were much lower” when we began to reopen. “I think all this talk of reopening is reasonable. But be careful: because there is a segment of the population that is attentive but another part is not, and we see it every day”. This is the warning from Silvio Garattini, president of the Mario Negri Institute.

“If I’m afraid of gatherings? Just look near certain bars around 5pm, before they close in front of the clubs there are many people all together, drinking and talking without masks – he explains to time.news Salute – All this is not helpful. I think we have had warnings: let’s look at Sardinia, which has gone from white to red. Italians are not very obedient and attentive. There are also many social reasons, there is an intolerance to continue a life of this type and a problem of social tensions. But I don’t see great propaganda and adequate communication aimed at making people pay attention. ”

“If I were Draghi I would try to get as many vaccines as possible very soon. It is important: if we had started to vaccinate intensively in December, like Great Britain, today we would have much less than the 55 thousand deaths we had from December to today. We would have saved many” , Garattini concludes.

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