Appointments, Draghi method for top management. Headhunters and parties for the boards

by time news

Not just vaccines, reopening and recovery plans. There is another important dossier on the government table that is being watched by the majority forces and already agitating the parties that support Draghi. This is the game of public appointments: a decisive game, with many state subsidiaries expiring and, among these, many big names. Starting from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, entrusted to the CEO three years ago by the yellow-green government Fabrizio Palermo, now at the end of the mandate. The package includes – to mention only the most famous – also Rai and Ferrovie, today led by CEO Gianfranco Battisti.

The appointments have created several discontent and clashes in the two Conte governments, but the Draghi executive should mark a decisive change of pace on this front. What from Mef sources, the scheme should include the choice of top management – therefore CEO and president – to the prerogative of the premier, leaving to the parties the possibility of put your beak only on the advisers, with the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council Roberto Garofoli to manage the “quotas” in a kind of Cencelli manual.

A change of course which, however, risks generating quite a few turbulence, considering how delicate the game is. The new method, however, it is noted, would have already been applied in the Ex Ilva game with the choice fallen on Franco Bernabè for the position as president of Steelworks of Italy. “If we learned the list of ministers a few minutes before Draghi read it at the Quirinale – says a member of the government – I imagine it will not go better for the subsidiaries …”.

On the other hand, the government’s choices on this front could prove to be decisive for the effectiveness of the economic revitalization that the executive is pursuing, “all in all, the top management wants to choose them Draghi – admits the same source – but the discontent on these issues it is like the wind, you don’t stop it with your hands … “.

According to some rumors, the premier would also have entrusted the selection of curricula for the managers to be appointed to a company of headhunters. Rai included.

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