Junta expels UN mission’s human rights director

by time news

The director of the human rights division of the United Nations Mission in Mali (Minusma) has been declared “persona non grata”, the ruling junta said on Sunday. The latter must therefore “leave the national territory within 48 hours”. This decision announced by press release comes after a speech violently criticized by the junta delivered by a Malian human rights defender who denounced ten days ago at the UN the security situation in the country and the involvement, according to her, of the new allies. Russian national army in serious violations.

“This measure follows the destabilizing and subversive actions” of Guillaume Ngefa-Atondoko Andali, said the press release read to the national television newspaper and signed by the government spokesman, Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga. “During the various sessions of the United Nations Security Council on Mali, Mr. Andali’s actions consisted in selecting usurpers who arrogated to themselves the title of representative of Malian civil society, ignoring the authorities and the national institutions”, he continues about this national of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The security situation continues to worsen

The Minusma was created in 2013 to help stabilize a State threatened with collapse under the jihadist thrust, protect civilians, contribute to the peace effort, defend human rights… But the security situation has continued to deteriorate. worsen in Mali. The junta is openly blocking the investigations of the Minusma on human rights and the abuses of which the Malian forces are regularly accused.

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