A new study found: this is how you will reduce the chance of your children catching a cold

by time news

Physical activity among children may significantly reduce the risk of catching a cold, as revealed by a new study on the subject, the findings of which were recently published in the journal ‘Pediatric Research’.

The study conducted by the Medical University of Warsaw and examined 104 children between the ages of four and seven, found that among children who took part in regular physical activity during the day, a strengthening of the immune system was found, which later reduced the chance of catching a cold.

The findings of the study showed that the children among whom the most physical activity was recorded during the study, suffered the least from cold symptoms, when for every 1,000 steps they took per day, the amount of time they suffered from cold symptoms decreased by more than four days, this is compared to children who did not move regularly and suffered from more severe symptoms of Upper respiratory tract infections when they get a cold.”

The director of the study summarized the conclusions: “Through contact with the natural environment and spending time outdoors, children benefit from exposure to sunlight and natural elements in the environment. All of these may contribute to strengthening the immune system. Preschool children should spend at least three hours a day in physical activity that includes playing outside.”

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