What happens to being without a bra? The answers (medical and aesthetic) of the experts

by time news

With or without, it makes no difference. this, in extreme synthesis, is the indication regarding health. A bra of the right size and model, which does not tighten or irritate, is good if you like it and makes you feel at ease. If, on the other hand, he is lived with dislike and annoyance, he can be safely eliminated, without risk to health. As for the “holding” of the breast, i.e. its preservation of the shape and position of the young age over time, the issue is more nuanced – he says Francesco Stagno d’Alcontrespresident of the Italian Society of Reconstructive-Regenerative and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SICPRE) —. When the breasts are small, the options are essentially indifferent. When, on the other hand, the neckline is very abundant, counteract the effect of force of gravity (and therefore supporting the weight of the breast with a garment) allows to reduce and slow down ptosisthat is the natural fall that all our tissues undergo, including those of the cheeks and the inner part of the thighs.

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