Five reasons why you feel cold with age… How do you combat it? | Lifestyle

by time news

Suddenly the woolen sweater isn’t warm enough, we feel a bit chilly in the 22°C living room, and our hands are colder than ever. An increase in the feeling of cold with age and creeping old age is not unusual, but rather the result of various bodily changes.

It is normal for our bodies to become more sensitive to cold as we age. Do you see what exactly causes that? And when should we see a doctor?

In this report, here are the five most common causes, and several tips to avoid a cold.

With age, blood vessels become less elastic and therefore less able to maintain blood flow (Shutterstock)

1- Decreased blood circulation efficiency

With age, blood vessels become less elastic and therefore less able to maintain blood flow. This results in the body becoming less able to maintain temperature. Cold hands and feet in particular are a sign of circulatory problems.

2- The skin becomes thinner

The clearest signs of aging are wrinkles that result from a change in the structure of the skin. Our skin is made up of different layers, and underneath the body stores fat. This layer of fat is not only an energy reserve for the body, but also a heat insulator. With age, the thickness of the insulating layer of fat decreases. As a result, our bodies lose heat faster than before.

With age, the thickness of the insulating layer of fat decreases. As a result, our bodies lose heat faster than before (Shutterstock)

3- Slowing metabolism

Metabolism is responsible for converting the calories we eat into energy. This energy then supports breathing, circulation, digestion, and many other important functions. But the older we get, the less efficient our metabolism, which generates fewer calories, which negatively affects body functions, including blood flow, which makes us feel more cold.

4- Infection with chronic diseases

Heart disease, thyroid disease, anemia, diabetes, and some other diseases can all make us feel colder, especially in the hands and feet. Many of these diseases also increase the risk of hypothermia below 35 degrees, which can be very dangerous.

With age, more and more people take medications. Some of them may cause cold hands and feet (Shutterstock)

5- Side effects of drugs

As people get older, more people take medications. Some, such as blood pressure medications, can cause cold hands and feet, just as low blood pressure can.

What can you do about it?

The following tips can help you warm up your body:

  • Choose clothing according to your sensitivity to cold.
  • Always be on the move.
  • Avoid direct exposure to strong winds.
  • Cover yourself with an extra blanket at night if necessary.
  • Watch your weight because a thin layer of fat insulates the body from the inside.
  • Make sure you wear appropriate clothing in wet weather, as we freeze more quickly in wet weather.

Food for the winter cold

Deutsche Welle reviewed a group of the most important nutrients that the body needs in the winter to strengthen the immune system and enjoy good health, including:

Foods containing vitamin C

The “Hail Praxis” website indicates that eating foods that contain vitamin C is one of the necessary things in the winter, as it strengthens the immune system and helps to overcome common winter diseases. Lemon, orange and red pepper are foods rich in this vitamin, which is essential for the body.

Foods containing Vitamin A

The winds of winter cause many people to suffer from skin problems. Health experts say that vitamin A is the best way to deal with this problem. Among the foodstuffs rich in this vitamin are carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes.

The absence of the sun for periods in the winter causes vitamin D deficiency, and it can be obtained from fish (German)

Foods that contain Vitamin D

The sun is one of the main sources of vitamin D, which is necessary for the skin and bones, but in the winter the sun is absent for long periods, which causes a deficiency of this vitamin in people. Some foods can be relied upon to obtain this vitamin, such as salmon and eggs. And avocado is one of the foods that can also be relied upon in the winter.

Foods containing Vitamin E

Not only does Vitamin E prevent dry skin, it also has several antioxidant benefits. The Hale Praxis website indicates that there are some types of foods that contain this vitamin, such as avocados, broccoli and almonds, as these foodstuffs are of great importance in the winter season.

Foods containing vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps stimulate the immune system and is found in both animal and plant foods. This vitamin can be found in rice, bananas, fish (sardines) and wheat.

When did the doctor go back?

If you feel more and more cold, or if you notice other signs and changes, see your doctor.

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