Two daily habits that make you more focused and productive.. Get to know them

by time news

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Most of us would like to have more focus and be more productive during the day without getting overwhelmed.

Fatigue affects many, so that the World Health Organization classified it in 2019 as a legitimate medical diagnosis, according to Inc.

It included the organization’s definition of burnout as “a syndrome conceived of as resulting from chronic workplace stressors that have not been successfully managed”.

In addition, it is possible to increase productivity during the day while at the same time reducing habits that lead to exhaustion and “chronic work stress”, as follows:

1. Get away from screens

According to a 2019 survey of 1,057 employees in the United States, 87% of professionals spend most of their workday staring at computer screens or smartphones, an average of 7 hours per day. Before the Covid pandemic, laptops and smartphones were essential to productivity, but very few percentages are consciously moving away from screens in practical terms.

It is essential to take regular breaks from screens, phones, and any devices with screens. The study also discovered that “employees who take breaks every 90 minutes report higher levels of focus and productivity.”

(expressive from iStock)

2. Work in focused intervals

In a similar vein, experts who study the science of human performance have concluded that working with focus for a set amount of time is the key to higher performance. And they say that if time periods are set to work with focus and get a break for rest, it helps to achieve more productivity with less mental and physical effort.

When the right balance is achieved to push oneself through working hard in a certain period of time and recovering in a rest period, the hard work can be tolerated and even the level of performance can be improved.

In addition to the often neglected 7 or 8 hours of adequate sleep, taking smart breaks during the workday is among the main keys to boosting productivity.

In other words, if you can get 5 to 10 minutes of rest for every hour you work, you really do manage to be more productive.

Adopting this lag-based approach to productivity can lead to advancement. It turns out that “the secret to staying productive throughout the workday is not working longer, but working smarter with frequent breaks.”

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