The Marcat Dance Forest will offer us an “immersive journey”, which only the performing arts have within their reach

by time news

The next 10 and 11 February it will be represented at the Central Theater of Seville, The forestby the hand of Marked Dance: Pieces like in the field o Adama of this Andalusian company, show us that its components have not stopped inquiring about the idea of ​​tribe, of a connection with Nature and the environment that surrounds them, to generate an imaginary in which they act as ” window” with the purpose that we, the spectators, look out to even figure out what places their characters inhabit during the representation of their pieces.

Although it is true that the above is typical of the performing arts, the members of Marked Dance they take you to a plane in which you either “enter their game”, or one remains disoriented since the interconnection between what they are interpreting is not found, which is introduced into the synopsis of their pieces. This, among other things, means that their works educate our eyes, while they show us that one as a spectator can give part of himself, in order to get the most out of the immersive experiences that they offer us.

According to what has come to me so far The forest Everything seems to indicate that they will continue in the same line of work. Does this mean that they are “accommodating” or that perhaps they have a “crisis of creativity”? I think that the most edifying and fair thing for these professionals is to think that these professionals continue to delve into research that needs to be explored for all its possibilities and available “paths”… For now, they have not stopped receiving good reviews after their premiere in the Last spring at the Marbella Todo Danza Festival. Without more to add, I give you a preview of this piece that has been waiting for those of us who live in the city of Seville:

The forest, his reality, not only serves as a stimulus for movement, but also for lighting design, costumes and, of course, for musical composition. All the elements are closely related under this concept to introduce the viewer on a sensory journey, a journey that allows them to lose themselves within it..

As José Pablo Polo, musical composer and performer, expresses: Probably listening is, among all our faculties, the most treacherous. While the set of things that we can see and touch appear to us as a certainty, or as something present on which we configure our reality, sound is something ephemeral, transitory, a memory of something distant. Going into a forest is facing this uncertainty, conversing with a series of sounds that disturb us due to ignorance of the origin of their emitting source. This immersion into the unknown is the starting point of the musical composition for The forest: a real-time orchestration of a soundscape that is electric in nature, almost bioluminescent, leading the viewer along pulsating paths, labyrinths that resonate with the weight of gravity of a deep sleep from which we cannot wake up.

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