Miracle diets, how do they affect health and emotional state?

by time news
  • Usually, those who promote this type of remedy are people who are not related to the Science of Nutrition.
  • It is always necessary to go to a certified nutritionist to have a personalized eating plan.
  • Currently it is estimated that 7 out of 10 Mexican adults have excess body mass.

Mexico is in the midst of a severe crisis caused by the exponential increase in obesity and overweight. At the same time, a phenomenon known as “miracle diets” has also emerged, which supposedly seeks to help reduce body mass in a short time.. The reality is that they do not exist as such and what appears to be an easy solution can have serious consequences.

Magic remedies don’t exist

About, Elvira Sandoval Bosch, who is coordinator of the Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition at the UNAM School of Medicine, said that there are no “miracle diets” that help lose weight. She added that there are no foods that are 100 percent good or bad, because what is harmful is the way and frequency in which they are consumed.

During his virtual talk, “Miracle diets, not so miraculous”, organized by the university entity as part of the More Health Program, he stressed that, on a regular basis, Those who promote them are people who are not related to the Science of Nutrition.

He recalled that this type of regimen or products to lose weight in an easy and effortless way, promise a change in body composition, mainly in weight, without the supervision or control of a specialist.

“Nutrition is a science and not an opinion, so to prescribe an eating plan it is necessary to take into account various aspects of individuals, including age, sex and activity.”

Elvira Sandoval mentioned that weight is just a number, the essential thing is to feel good about ourselves, to accept our body. However, it does not mean that we stop doing something to seek well-being.

The university academic indicated that, As of the Science of Human Nutrition area, diet is everything we eat during the day.

Mexico is a country with a high prevalence of overweight and obesity, in adults and in children, and occupies one of the first places in America. Therefore, he suggested reflecting on how they deteriorate our state of health and how they change our body. The recommendation is to improve our eating habits.

“We should not follow those magical ways of eating that are not adequate, because they impact our health and mood. The best eating plan is the one that suits the needs and characteristics of each person; the invitation is not to follow these types of diets”.

Fake nutritionists abound

There is a lot of quackery, because there are those who call themselves “nutritionists” without being one, just because they have a diploma. The experts in the field are those of us who have completed a bachelor’s degree, have been educated and trained, and can help people maintain a full life.

If we seek to improve nutrition and thereby reduce weight, our health will be favored by adding physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyle, greater results will be obtained. “If we add visits to the nutritionist or family doctor, we take care of our sleep, we take moments of recreation and we continue adding positive aspects, not only our physical health will benefit, but also our mental and social balance.”

For the university expert there is no “magic” number of meals a day. There are specialists who consider three main meals and two snacks, which provide peace of mind for people to reach the next meal without being so hungry and to be more selective with what they consume.

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