“You can be from the PSOE, defend Spain and the company”

by time news

“I want to personally thank you for your firm conviction to develop coherent policies for everyone. Let me tell you something by looking into your eyes. Of course you can be from the PSOE and defend the unity and the flag of Spain. Of course you can be from the PSOE and be next to the company. There is no better social policy for workers than putting a job at their doorstep”. This is what Juan José de la Huz, owner of a cheese factory in Villamayor de Santiago (Cuenca) told the president of Castilla-La Mancha who was visiting the factory today.

Curiously, it is the brother of Jesús Manuel de la Huz, candidate of Vox for the province of Cuenca in the next regional elections. Today his brother Juan José has exchanged praise with García-Page for his “coherent policies”, according to Europa Press.

The Castilian-Manchego president has visited the cheese factory and there he assured that this company is “one of those that fill a region like Castilla-La Mancha with pride” since “there are very few people who, in addition to raising their families, can set up a business of public interest, of those that generate wealth”.

The manager responded by thanking the “coherent policies” in business matters of the Castilian-Manchego Executive. By taking the floor, García-Page has given an answer. “What you said has been good for me. I have always been a member of the PSOE and I will die there, but I have always been clear that a political party is a means to achieve things, not an end”.

Thus, García-Page was “convinced” of the importance of the family business, due to his “philosophy” imprinted in the management of the business with “one more point of humanity”, since “he looks the workers and the families”. In that he agrees in political matters, since “the truth is what is done looking at the face.”

The president of the employers’ association also praised Page in the face of Sánchez’s policies

The cheese businessman has not been the only one to praise the regional president to contrast his management with that of Pedro Sánchez at the head of the Government of Spain. On Friday Ángel Nicolás, president of the Castilian-Manchegan employers’ association, assured that the national Executive “is legislating against the company because there are fewer votes on this side than on the other.” In parallel, the García-Page management stood out. “Compare the socialist policies of Castilla-La Mancha and those of the central government, which is socialist, and of others. Here the legislation is different”.

He assured that in the autonomous community “the company is always there, the workers too. The social agreement is always there and nothing has been agreed unilaterally with the unions or with the employers. No one has been left out. It is not comparable and I prefer the situation of Castilla-La Mancha”.

By the way, when asked about the arrival of Vox to the regional Parliament as of May 28 and even about the possibility of a PP-Vox government, Ángel Nicolás avoided speaking out by assuring “may the best man win”, although he warned that the The employer “does not like a hair” that the coalition government between PP and Vox in Castilla y León has chosen to cut aid to employers and unions in the framework of social dialogue and also those related to programs related to occupational hazards. “It is a setback that at this point it is good that collective bargaining disappears.”

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