The anger of mother Grillo sulla Boschi: “Here’s what’s in the video”

by time news

The debate continues to be heated about the process that sees the son of Beppe Grillo, Ciro, under investigation for gang rape together with 3 of his companions. Just the other day the putative father of the 5Stelle Movement had let himself go to a very hard outburst in a video then posted on his social channels. Now speaking is the wife of the Genoese comedian, Parvin Tadjik, who decides to respond to the attacks of Maria Elena Boschi.

Boschi’s comment

Immediately after the publication of Grillo’s video, the parliamentary of Italia Viva had harshly commented on the words of the founder of the Movement, speaking of a scandalous film. “It is not up to me to say who is wrong and who is right, for that there are the magistrates. But that Beppe Grillo uses his media and political power to acquit his son is shameful”, Boschi had declared, speaking in turn on social networks (watch the video). For the group leader of Italia Viva in the Chamber of Deputies, Grillo’s statements were full of machismo: “When he says that the girl who reported her son for rape is basically a liar because she took eight days to report, she is doing all the women victims of violence a disservice. Because perhaps Beppe Grillo does not know the pain that goes through those women who often they don’t take days but weeks to find the courage to denounce and even overcome shame and anguish “.

Maria Elena Boschi she then went on to analyze the situation also from a legal point of view: “When Beppe Grillo says that his son is clearly innocent because he is neither in prison nor under house arrest, he is saying a falsehood from a legal point of view that is neither in heaven nor on earth. Even when he explains that they are just ‘balls’, I quote Grillo, four boys who are joking, he takes no responsibility for adults over 18 and does so simply because he is famous and can act as a lawyer for his own son “.

The representative of Italia Viva then brought up the past:“What is Beppe Grillo complaining about today? About a lousy climate, about an attack on his family? But do you remember what he did to me, my father, my family? My father was accused of many other crimes , certainly not of rape. And after years of investigations, he does not even have a conviction. Archived. Yet how much hatred, how much vulgarity, how much verbal violence accompanied my family in those years. Today Beppe Grillo explains to us that there are two weights and two measures. Dear Beppe Grillo, you simply have to be ashamed “.

Parvin Tadjik’s answer

A controversial video, that of Boschi, which could not fail to receive an answer. And in fact the reply came from Ciro’s mother. In fact, under the post of the former Renzian minister, the comment of Parvin tadjik, companion of the Genoese comedian. A few words to reply to Boschi’s harangue. “There is a video that testifies to the innocence of the boys, where it is seen that she is consenting. The date of the complaint is only a detail”, is Tadjik’s curt reply.

During the investigation that sees Ciro Grillo under investigation, the woman has been intercepted several times, as reported by That night in the summer of 2019, Parvin Tadjik was in fact sleeping in the same family villa where the gang rape would have taken place. When questioned by the investigators, however, she always stated that she had not heard anything.

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