Covid effect on ‘tweaks’, extra large ones on the rise

by time news

The Covid effect is also felt on the aesthetic ‘tweaks’. Quill lips and explosive décolleté but also glutei oversize, firm and round. Social isolation and a mask have rekindled the desire for maxi retouching. And, in view of the reopening, more and more women are knocking on the surgeon for extra-large operations. “After a year of public relations reduced to the bone due to Covid-19, the belief is spreading that no one remembers our somatic features and our silhouette anymore, as if we had fallen into a sort of oblivion: for this reason those who already had she intends to resort to surgery to feel young and beautiful, now she dares more ”, explains Daniele Spirito, specialist in plastic surgery in Rome and Como and professor at the School of Specialization in Plastic Surgery of the University of Milan.

Therefore, the natural effect leaves room for perhaps more invasive and conspicuous corrections, from maxi fillers to facelifts and prostheses. Women focus on plump mouths and busty breasts, cat-like faces and curvy profiles. Men on sculpted pecs and tortoiseshell abdomen. “We are seeing a sharp increase in requests for interventions with the most dramatic results. The pandemic has unleashed the urgency to take care of oneself and uninhibited those who were more reluctant to more flashy changes – continues the expert – It is important to find satisfaction in one’s physical appearance, especially in this historical period, but always with the right prudence and without excessive distortions ”, warns the doctor.

But what are they the most requested interventions? “For the rejuvenation of the face and neck certainly the composite minilifting, less invasive and lasting like a classic facelift, with reduced risk of complications and faster recovery – explains Spirito – Only one small incision is made in front of the auricle and proceed to a 5-6 cm detachment of the subcutis. From here you enter the deep floors and reposition the tissues upwards. The scar is small, almost invisible, tissue exposure is minimal. The operation is performed under local anesthesia with sedation on a day hospital basis. The result is surprising: the face appears 10 years younger ”.

“They are also very popular lip prostheses, as an alternative to the filler, for a fleshy and sensual mouth with a permanent and natural effect. The use of the mask then allows you to hide the initial swelling – he adds – As regards, however, the breasts are returning to large sizes, third / fourth cup C / D, and the same applies to the buttocks: for those looking for a high, firm and rounded hindquarters is proposed gluteoplasty with submuscular implants, a revolutionary, effective and safe technique, with definitive results. For men, the latest trend concerns the abdomen and pectorals: the implantation of prostheses is increasingly in vogue to have statuesque bodies without too much effort “.

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