Tinnitus, attention to prevention, research and good hearing care are essential

by time news

Foto: CC0 Public Domain

Tinnitus, there is a solution. Hoormij∙NVVS presents this statement to experts by experience and (care) professionals. Why? To provide insight into the possibilities if you are faced with this – incurable – condition. A signal of confidence, after all – necessary – attention to prevention and lowering the noise standard. The influence can be great on your life, but it is possible to live with it. And in the Netherlands there are good and proven effective treatment options available.

John Arkes – chairman of our tinnitus & hyperacusis committee – explains as an experience expert how he went through the classic phases of the grieving process: “The solution that is now available: dealing with your condition. You do that mainly with others, with fellow sufferers and with experts who can help you with acceptance.” Carmen de Jonge, chairman of the NVAB: “I see it as our joint mission to make the impact of tinnitus and hearing damage visible. Attention to prevention, research and good hearing care are essential.” The advice of Arno Lieftink – psychologist specializing in audiological care & author of the book Causes – is: “Be suspicious if someone claims to cure tinnitus and do not accept any treatment you find on the internet.” Dyon Scheijen – clinical physicist & audiologist: “There are now enough places in the Netherlands where – proven – effective help can be obtained.” Composer Stephen Emmer suffers from serious hearing damage. The 64-year-old musician, responsible for countless well-known TV tunes, has had tinnitus for ten years. He argues for more openness: “Musicians hardly dare to admit it. That has to change.”

Massive on the earplugs

Tinnitus. It is a sound that only exists in your own brain. More than 1 to 2 million people in the Netherlands are affected by this. There is a lot of attention in the media for this. Rightly so, because it is a growing problem, the increase in young people and children being particularly alarming. Hearing damage due to loud noise is given as the reason. That is a bit one-sided, but rightly so. The latest sales figures show that young people are having earplugs fitted en masse. A milestone in the fight against tinnitus. A change is underway. Now the lowering of the noise standard still has to be laid down in law.

Tinnitus signpost

So good news. But what if you already have it? What helps you when panic or powerlessness take over? How do you learn to deal with it if no medicine is available? Hoormij·NVVS is the signpost; provides tools, reliable information, stimulates research, pays attention to prevention and is tirelessly committed to helping those who have to learn to live with it. Some even go abroad to look for a solution out of desperation. This while there are good treatment options in the Netherlands, which are proven effective and available. You can find the advice here: Tinnitus, the solution is there


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