Why it’s important not to neglect the heart: 700 cardiologists answer – time.news

by time news
Of Health editorial

Prevention campaign from 12 to 19 February: 700 cardiologists from the «Foundation for your heart» answer citizens’ questions (on the dedicated toll-free number)

It’s time to take care of heart health. Also this year, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, from 12 to 19 February, the national cardiovascular prevention campaign “Cardiologie Aperte 2023”, promoted by the “Fondazione per il Tuo Cuore” of the Italian Hospital Cardiologists ANMCO, is back. Approximately 1600 hours of work are expected during the week free cardiology consultations: you can call the dedicated toll-free number 800 052233, every day d
from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 16to ask questions about problems or concerns related to heart disease and receive answers from one of approximately 700 ANMCO cardiologists who work in the more than 200 Italian cardiology participating in the initiative.

First cause of death

Cardiovascular disease is leading cause of death in our countrybeing responsible for 44 percent of all deaths. Those who survive a heart attack become chronically ill as the disease affects the quality of life. According to Istat data, the prevalence of citizens suffering from cardiovascular disability is equal to 4.4 per thousand.

«Cardiovascular diseases hold a sad record which must lead all of us to make a significant effort through the prevention, which is the main weapon to fight them» underlines the president of the “Foundation for your heart” of the National Association of Hospital Cardiologists, Domenico Gabrielli, director of Cardiology at the San Camillo Hospital in Rome.
Adds the national president of ANMCO, Furio Colivicchi, director of the Cardiology Complex Operational Unit at the San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome: «The “Open Cardiologie” initiative is a great opportunity that ANMCO cardiologists want to be offered free of charge to all citizens who wish to do so and represents a cornerstone of cardiovascular prevention that our Association has been carrying out for over 17 years”.

Avoidable events

Most cardiovascular events can be prevented through prevention. From here i expert advice to reduce the risk of heart disease. “These diseases are largely preventableas they recognize, next to fnon-modifiable risk actors (age, gender and familiarity) also modifiable factorsassociated with behaviors and lifestylessmoking, alcohol, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle) often, in turn, the cause of diabetes, obesity, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension – says Professor Domenico Gabrielli, president of the “Foundation for your heart” – . Setting a healthy lifestyle should be anticipated starting in infancy and adolescencehence the importance of awareness campaigns already at the primary school level».

Prevention extends life

«Cardiovascular prevention – specifies the national president of ANMCO, Furio Colivicchi – lengthen life and we should always, even when we’re fineconsult our general practitioner e keep risk factors under control (cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking) and practice regular physical exercise, even bland. Today, we have very powerful and effective weapons at our disposal to solve some problems, guarantee survival and a better quality of life for our patients”.
How to protect the heart? “There primary prevention, as well as on the adoption and maintenance of healthy lifestyles, is based onearly identification and onadequate management any clinical conditions that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, even through the appropriate therapies where it is not enough to change lifestyles – explains Professor Gabrielli -. We cardiologists divide the patients by risk category, i.e. the probability that the patient will experience an adverse cardiovascular event (heart attack, stroke, in some cases sudden death) in relation to his general clinical characteristics. There are very high, high, moderate and lower risk individuals. For everyone the intervention must be personalized».

The consequences of Covid

The Covid-19 pandemic has had important repercussions on cardiovascular diseases, as the president of the “Foundation for your heart” explains: “It acted on heart diseases at different levels: in people affected by the virus has generated myocardial and pericardial inflammation, ischemic heart disease, cerebral stroke, thromboembolic diseases; moreover – adds Gabrielli – it has contributed to delaying the diagnosis, complicating the management and prevention aspect of cardiovascular diseases and reducing hospitalizations. In particular, in subjects affected by Covid it was found a 20-25 percent increase in all cardiovascular disease».
For information on the list of cardiology participating in the campaign » you can consult the website of the Foundation for your heart.
The prevention campaign will also be active on social networks with the hashtags #iltempodelcuore and #opencardiology.

February 7, 2023 (change February 7, 2023 | 7:37 pm)

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